“I know what I saw” he added and I looked down. Was I really gonna tell him what my problem was with him?

How do I put this in a way I don't sound jealous?

“Okay, I heard you” he was confused, obviously! I started wrongly.

“I heard your phone call with your...” I trailed off  once he caught on with what I was saying, I tried to defend myself. “I'm sorry I eavesdropped or anything but-”

“You heard that?” his voice was tense for a second there and I paused. “Yeah, I didn't mean to” I looked down at my hand in guilt.

“Charlotte” he tilted my chin up again. “That was a friend of mine” oh!

“She's been away for a while and decided to...call” he explained and some how that relieved me. “Oh"

Crisis averted!

"I'm sorry for ignoring you then” he chuckled.

Looking down at my knee. “We gotta get that fixed, I'm sorry about it by the way” he apologized on behalf of his brother.

”It's okay”

“Come on” he lifted me off the floor. “Mason, I could walk. It's just my knee” I reminded.

“I don't care” he headed back into the house and i laughed.


I typed on my phone mindlessly and didn't notice Mitchell calling out to me. “Charlotte!”

It slipped of my hand and landed on the counter, bringing me back to reality. “Oh, sorry Mitch” I raked my hair.

“Are you okay?” she made sure to ask and I sighed, leaning on the counter. Apart from the fact getting harassed wasn't a new thing to me...

Carson has been...the biggest mystery of my life.

He is just layers and layers of dickishness and confusion and it's to getting me...

“Chalotte!” my eyes snapped back to her. She shot me a concerned look. “He is a pain in the ass” she knew who I was talking about.

“You both have a lot in common if you haven't noticed”

“How's that?” i asked and she grinned.  “You don't expect me to give a rundown of your life, do you?” I chuckled.

Classic Mitchell.

“You both are the only ones who could stand each other” she went on anyways and I looked up. “Have you met us... together?” she smiled, eyes on what she was doing.

“I mean, if there's any one that's supposed to understand him, it's you” what is that supposed to mean?

Me? Why me?

Before I could voice out my question...“Mitchell, I have a problem” Chloe yelled, walking in. Every freaking time.

“What's it, Chloe?” She asked in a sing-song voice and that was my cue to leave. “I'm having na dumb spelling bee tomorrow and I'm not ready for it, I don't...” her voice faded out of my head as I walked out.

Why do they keep saying this? Why do they all think that I could understand him? We both hated each other.

We can't stand ourselves.

Getting into the elevator and getting out at the other side, I walked to my room. Hand on the door knob, I paused and turned to the other side, to Carson's open door...

My feet moved without my will, it's no new shit that I was nosy.

Infact, it was becoming a problem. I stopped in front of it and knocked, it's not like I wanted him to answer, I was just making sure he wasn't in.

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