Falling in and Out

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No one's POV

The first day of the Romanoff-Maximoff household was not starting as planned. Wanda had woken up alone.

The argument from last night coming back to her as she sat up right in the bed. A deep sigh left her lips as she racked her fingers through her brown hair.

A few tears weld in her eyes but she choose to push them down and get her day started.

The Sokovian got showered and dressed into a pair of blue jeans and a white T-shirt and pulled one of Natasha many flannels over her shoulders to keep her warm.

As she descended downstairs the smell of Bacon and Eggs began to fill her nose. She instantly froze before hearing a male voice gently singing.

Thankful that it wasn't Natasha she continued on her way to the kitchen and met Steve who was swaying away, lightly singing to himself while he cooked breakfast.

"Good morning" Wanda's voice was groggy and sore. Her hand shot up to her throat as she held it while her face screwed up into discomfort.

"Hey, Morning. You might want to drink some water." Steve quickly searched the cabinets for the glasses and ran it under the cold tap before handing it too the brunette women. "Here" he smiled softly at her.

She took the glass of water and drank some of it. The cold liquid on her irritated throat felt great.

"Thanks, Steve" Wanda smiled at him. Her eyes searched what she could see if the house.

"Thor nipped out for a bit. Says he will be back later tonight to check on you" The Sokovian nodded along.

"I hope you don't mind. I made breakfast" Wanda chuckled at the old man. "Your fine Steve. Thank you."

The two of them took a seat took a seat at the kitchen table. Steve popped down two plates before returning with a cup of tea for Wanda and water for himself.

The two made small talk as they ate breakfast Steve knew Wanda's head was else where and he knew exactly where it was.


"Get up" A groan was the only sound that emitted from the women. "Natasha come on get up" Rhody sighed annoyingly.

After last night Natasha had stormed back in a fit of rage back to Rhodys office where she crashed on his couch unknowing to the man. When he entered his office the next morning he was welcomed with the snoring redhead.

"Wanda, five more minutes" Natasha rolled over but rolled directly off the small couch and onto the floor where she groaned in pain.

Rhody tried to suppress his laugh as he watched the women slowly get up from the floor.

"You look like shit" he pointed out before taking a seat behind his desk. "Thanks" Nat sighed sitting down on the couch. Rubbing her eyes.

Rhody stared at her. "What" Natasha snapped. Giving him a cold look. "You know it's rude to stare at people"

"You didn't go home last night?" He asked raising an eyebrow at the Russian.

"No I did but Wanda kicked me out"

Rhody furrowed his browse. Staring at the Russian as he tried to understand why Wanda would kick Natasha out. Especially of the compound that wasn't exactly her place. "Why did she-"

"I left half way through moving into our home to come see you after you called yesterday" Rhodys mouth fell into an O as he looked away from the redhead.

"Yeah you fucked up, Nat"  Another grown emitted from the spy's lips. "How did I!" She almost roared as she tried to come to terms with the situation.

Let me fight for you/ Wanda X NatOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora