New beginnings?

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A week or so after Wanda's return

Natasha was training in the compounds training room. She had decided to get a workout in before anyone else woke up. She was good at waking up early, she was never a late riser.

The blonde was running on the treadmill her hair tied up in a small ponytail as she ran. She had been running for maybe twenty five minutes now. The sweat was dripping from her face but her determination kept her going.

Her eyes where closed and she focused on just running and finishing her workout. But she was suddenly pull from her thoughts when she heard someone clear their throat. The blonde whipped her head around her eyes widening at the sight.

"Miss me?" The man chuckled raising his eyebrows, Nat didn't waste a second she jumped off the treadmill and ran over to the tall blonde man engulfing him in a hug. Once she pulled away she punched him in the arm. "Never do that to me again"

"I'm sorry" he hung his head slightly "I'm just glad your back Steve"

"I don't think Ross will be if he finds out I'm home" Steve sighed leanings against  the door "Hey, we will protect you it will be fine" Nat ran her hand up the mans shoulder gently giving him a small smile.

"Does anyone else know?" She asked furrowing her eyebrows "I'm pretty sure everyone else is still asleep" he chuckled slightly. "Where's Bucky?" Nat asked watching Steve's face fall as she spoke.

"Took him to Wakanda, T'challa said he would help him. Bucky wanted to be put back in ice and that's what they did. I didn't have anywhere else to go" Natasha felt sorry for him, he had gone all this way to do so much for Bucky and in the end he still didn't get to just live his life with him.

"Hey you'll see him soon, I'm sure of it" Steve nodded hopefully. "Why don't you go back to your room and shower and stuff I'm sure everyone will be happy to see you back once they wake up" again the blonde man nodded and Natasha followed him out of the training room.

Steve was the floor above Nat's. Natasha was on the ground floor along with Wanda and what was Clint's room which was now Visions there was a spare room which would be used as Clint incase he came back but that wasn't looking to likely. Steve, Sam, Bruce and Thor's was on the first level and Tony and Pepper was on the third along with Rhody and Happys room.

Steve got in the elevator and smiled at the the blonde woman. "I like you hair, nice change" Nat smirked shaking her head. "New beginning" she replied watching the elevator doors close.

The woman went back to her room and showered hoping it would make her feel better and well no longer sweaty.

The whole time the blonde was in the shower she thought about Wanda. She wanted to tell her how she felt. She liked her. Natasha couldn't deny it. She really felt something for the young sokovian. This was different compared to how she felt with Bruce.

Obviously Natasha wanted to tell her and the strong minded woman would usually do these sorts of thing but something was holding her back this time. Maybe the fear of rejection. The fear that Wanda won't have the same feeling towards her.

"She doesn't like me in that way" Natasha whispered to herself as she turned the shower off grabbing her towel and drying her face letting the fabric of the towel run over her features.

But boy was the spy wrong. In fact the brunette was awake laying in her bed. Millions of thoughts running though her head at a time. 'Do I like her?'
'Did she mean it when she said I was beautiful' 'no she meant it in a friendly way' 'gosh I really hope she likes me too' 'I don't like her I love her' 'no no no you don't you only felt love for Pietro' 'wait do I love her?' Wanda shot up from her spot on the bed. A light sweat dripping from her forehead.

Let me fight for you/ Wanda X NatWhere stories live. Discover now