Edinbrughs night to remember

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Two days later

"Wanda!! Hurry up come on we're going to be late" Nat shouted the up the stairs of the lodge as she had been waiting on the Sokovian for a most ten minutes. It was half past five and they had a table at half six but the restaurant was almost an hour away which was why Nat had booked a hotel without telling Wanda and had already put a bag with some clothes for the next day in the car.

"Let's goooooooooooooo" Nat groaned at the bottom of the stairs waiting for the woman.

Natasha was dressed in a pair of black leather trousers, A nice white blouse and her leather just lay over the top to complete the outfit. She wore a pair of black boots and had a light set of makeup on and some jewellery.

Nat was looking at her watch for it must have been at least the 9th time when she heard heels clicking against the wooden stairs. "Finally" The blonde puffed out watching the woman come down the stairs.

Wanda had on a a cute leather black dress that stopped mid thigh. It matched Natasha outfit perfectly. Along with the dress she wore a pair of black heels. Her golden necklace hung perfectly around her neck. Nat could smell her perfume from the other side of the room. Her hair was perfectly sitting just below her shoulders in a natural state. It was slightly curly yet more on the wavey side.

"You might want to close that before you start catching flys" Wanda smirked at Nat's dropped jaw. Nat shook the thoughts out her head and moved closer to the brunette "you look magnificent and as much as I would love to stand her and stare at you all night we have to go" Wanda laughed and got dragged out the lodge by the Russian who locked the door and got into the divers seat.

They where only about half way there, The car ride was long both girls couldn't deny it but both of them where just as excited as the other. "Can I know where we are going?" Wanda pleaded this must have been about the 5th time this car ride so Nat finally gave in she wouldn't tell her the name of the restaurant or the hotel as that was a surprise but she told her WHERE they were going. "Edinburgh"

"Oohhh the capital city" Wanda's smile grew bigger as she became even more excited then she was before.

Nat shook her head with a small laugh as she continued to drive.

It wasn't long before they soon arrive. Nat parked the car in the closest car park that she could luckily it wasn't too far away from the restaurant or the hotel.

Natasha quickly jumped out the car as quickly as she could and practically ran round to Wanda's side opening the car door for her. "How kind of you" Nat's smirk was not well hidden from the brunette.

Nat held out her arm for the woman to take ahold of which she did. She looped her arm round Natasha which she stuck her hand in her pocket nervously. Wanda could sense the nerves.

"Come on its not far from here" Natasha led them down princes street which was the main stress it had everything on it and you could walk it for ages. The restaurant they where going to wasn't too far away and was on Fredrick St which was a side street.

It was maybe less then a ten minute walk before Natasha pulled them up the side street past many places "oh my gosh is that five guys" Wanda laughed pointing across the road to the Five guys building they sat there Natasha could help but chuckle "of course your interested in the five guys"

They stopped outside a restaurant. A fancy looking restaurant at that. Wanda read the name on the small building. "Millar and Carter" She whispered as the blonde let her arm go and opened the door for her.

"Hello welcome to Millar and Carter steak house. How can I help you?" A kind Older man with a bushy neared asked the ladies. Nat stepped forward and spoke "we have a reservation under the name Romanoff"

Let me fight for you/ Wanda X NatWhere stories live. Discover now