Civil War

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This chapter won't follow the full civil war film instead it will be slightly different.

No ones point of view

"Secretary Ross" Rhody nodded at the man taking a seat at the meeting table. Secretary Ross was stood infront of a tv that was infront of the meeting table sat around the table was Rhody, Natasha, Steve on the other side of the table was Vision, Sam and Wanda. Tony was sitting up the back in a chair his head in his hands.

While the Steve, Sam, Natasha and Wanda where in Lagos Tony was presenting his new plan the September Grant for collage kids, things went a bit south when Pepper didn't show which he expected and had to rush off the stage. But he didn't expect to run into a woman who confront him about her dead son who was killed in Sokovia.

From then he felt guilty and the need for the team to be put into check.

Secretary Ross started to speak, "The world owes the avengers a great deal of gratitude. While some see you as hero's there are some that would prefer the vigilante" Natasha was already sick of this "and what word would you use?"

"How about dangerous" his voice turned serious as he slightly paced the small area of ground. He sighed and the tv turned on "New York" Videos of the New York attack came up intro the screen. Videos of the hulk jumping back and forth between building destroying them while doing so while one of the giant monsters was flown into a building completely demolishing it. Rhody lowered his eyes before turning back to look at Steve.

"Washington DC" again videos of the hell carriers falling from the skys into the water flooding people and knocking them to the ground and the Shield building in total state after having it blown to pieces. This time it was Sam to look away he was ashamed.

"Sokovia" Secretary Ross caught eyes with Wanda as she took a deep breath. The houses and small towers in the city collapsing in on themselves at the avengers took care of the bad guys. A video of the city rising into the air was also shown Tony knowing this one was on him refused to even look at the screen. Knowing exactly what had happened.

"Lagos" The burning building from earlier flashed into the screen. Wanda tried to keep her terror hidden but Natasha could see right through her as she watched stud sokovian. Videos of people being rushed out the building in stretchers and even a video of someone who had unfortunately died, that's when Steve also caught onto Wanda grief and wanted to end whatever this was. "Okay, that's enough"

The tv was turned off the Ross started to speak again. "For the past four years you have operated with unlimited power and no supervision. That's an arrangement the governments of the world can no longer tolerate. But we think we have a solution" Everyone around the table caught eyes at some point. Nat and Wanda holding there for longer then others which Natasha tried to assure the brunette it was okay. Luckily Wanda could read thoughts so hearing Nat try to tell her everything will be fine made her slightly more calmer.

"The Sokovia accords, Signed by 117 country's. It's states that the Avengers shall no longer be a private organisation. Instead they will operate under the supervision f the government" Steve shook his head slightly, it wasn't hard to tell he was upset with the decision.

"The Avengers where out together to make the world a safer place I feel we've done that" Secretary Ross scoffed and turned to Steve "tell me captain do you know where Thor and Banner are now?" No one did.

"If you agree the accords should be signed" Natasha smirked slightly trying to hold it back. Wanda noticed and tried not to smile at her. "And if we come to an agreement you don't like?"

"Then you retire, now that's all from me" Ross and his team packed up there stuff and left he team needed time to think most of them sat in the livingroom. Sam and Rhody were arguing about who was right and who was wrong. Tony was holding his head which was agony. He had a severe headache from the stress.

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