On the run

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No ones pov

It had been a good few days now. Things we're looking better for Wanda and Natasha. The redhead was feeling slightly better about herself after Wanda's pep talks and would feel a little buzz in her stomach after every little compliment Wanda made on her body. Their love was getting stronger and stronger.

Wanda had nipped out to their local supermarket to restock on stuff they had began to run out of. While she was out Natasha had been planning an event for the evening to come. In a way of saying thank you to the woman she loved the most.

She was getting herself all excited but wanted to make sure she kept it a surprise.

Instead while she waited for Wanda to get back she decided to give her sister a call and see how she was doing. Along with a new mobile phone she had picked up not long ago she bought another burner to be safe.

The redhead dialled Yelena's number and listened to the ringing down the line until someone picked up. "Hello?" The Russian voice said down the phone

"Yel, it's Nat"

"Natasha. Hey um how are you doing?" Her sisters voice had turned sort of worried. Nat's eyebrows lightly knitting together with confusion. "I'm fine, never been better actually. What's wrong why do you sound like that. I mean no offen-"

"Nat they were here" Yelena butted in half what through Natasha's rant. "What what are you taking about?"

"The feds? The government whoever you want to call it they came to the house looking for you. How they found out were we stay is a mystery but they are looking for you Nat"

"Fuck" the redhead whispered under her breath feeling a slight sweat form on her forehead.

"When?" Was all she could ask Yelena took a few seconds to reply "a few days ago

"And you didn't try to contract me in some sort of way?!" A now pissed Natasha slightly yelled down the phone now paranoid and angry that the government was looking for her and that she was no warned.

"I'm sorry I didn't know how to contact you or who I should have called but they are looking for you Nat. Watch your back" Rubbing her temples the redhead hung up the phone on her sister.

The only thing now on her mind was getting the fuck out of were they where and moving somewhere far away.

The Russian decided to phone one last person before packing up any stuff. The phone rang and rang and rang until finally he picked up.


"Stark it's Romanoff"

The older man sighed down the phone "hey Nat"

"You too Tony? What the fuck is going on?"she asked the man replied with "not much just the fact I've been threatened by Ross and now Pepper is like a salt grain away from leaving me but it's fine you know. How's life?"

"Being hunted by the government. Same old same old" Tony chuckled lightly at her joke before another sigh came though the phone.

"I'm sorry Nat. I can't help you anymore. He's keeping tabs on me at all times. You know I would if I could but my hands are tired here Romanoff"

Worry now fuelling Nat even more "I know Tony. It's okay stay safe" again I hang up the phone unsure of what to do with myself.

All she knows is that they couldn't stay there. It wont be long before they check Tony's finances and find where they are.

Natasha disappeared upstairs to start packing away their stuff it didn't take her long at all.

When the front door to the lodge opened and the brunette end texted the house she could already feel that the vibe in place was off. "Nat?" Wanda searched the bottom floor of the lodge for her girlfriend but didn't find her.

Let me fight for you/ Wanda X Natحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن