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I've been successfully misleading Umbridge. She meets with me once a week for a "check in", but i've been feeding her lies and pointless information. This week she met me on Monday. I told her there was rumors of a secret meeting in The Three Broomsticks on the weekend. The DA and I will be practicing in the castle as usual so this will help get some of her cronies as far away as possible for a while, until they realize there's no meeting of course. I'm probably going to have to come up with some better lies or she'll catch on to me eventually. Maybe by then i'll have figured out what to do about her. I've been keeping this secret well hidden from everyone. It's especially hard to hide things from Draco. I just feel so fake all the time which leads to me feeling ashamed which leads to me feeling disgusting and then I don't want to be around anyone anymore. It's a stupid, viscous cycle.

It's a Wednesday afternoon and i'm walking out of the room of requirement with Harry, Ron and Hermione. We come here sometimes to practice before DA meetings. Two Slytherins in our year appear to be watching us from the end of the hall. I spot the inquisitorial squad badges on their robes instantly. They're currently distracted. It looks like Crabbe and Goyle. One of them is resting up against the wall, almost asleep and the other is biting into a heavily packed sandwich. I immediately grab Hermione who is closest to me and pull her round the corner, signaling the boys to do the same.
"What was that for?", Mione asks, startled.
"Two of Umbridges minions are spying on us!", I explain.
Harry sneakily twists his head out from behind the corner and takes a peep.
"She's not lying", He says.
"Right. I'm going to beat the shit into them", Ron says, riled up and taking his wand out of his pocket menacingly.
"No!", I shout in a whisper.
"Are you stupid?", I say, losing my patience. "They don't know for sure we were in there. If you go out now you'll blow our cover!".
Ron processes for a minute. "I suppose you're right, although I do not appreciate the aggressive tone".
I sigh, "Im sorry Ron but this is serious. Imagine if Umbridge found out what we're doing in there?". I shudder at the thought.
"We're at an advantage now though", Harry smirks.
"What do you mean?", Mione asks.
"Well, now that we know they're spying on us, we can mess with them", He explains, with a devious look in his eyes.
"I like this idea", Ron grins.
Hermione rolls her eyes. "Mess with them how?".
"Well, ideally throw them off track a bit. Move them away from the room of requirement. But also have a bit of fun doing so", Harry says.
"At this point, fuck it. Why not?", I shrug, too tired to struggle against Harry and Ron's devilish plans.
"Bloody brilliant!", Ron exclaims.
"Right. I've got study and homework to do so i'm going to have to say goodbye", I say, walking in the opposite direction.
"See you tomorrow", Says Harry.
"Bye!", Says Mione.
"Be careful getting past them", Says Ron.

I get past them just fine. I wonder how long they're going to stand their waiting. Umbridge has got them wrapped around her little finger. She truly is a manipulative little bitch. The Slytherin common room is practically empty when I arrive, but I immediately spot Draco in the corner, sitting opposite the fireplace, a book in his hand. He seems completely entranced by it.
As soon as I see him it's like a weight that I didn't even know i'd been carrying all day is dropped gracefully from my shoulders. My heart is warm at the sight of him.
I try to sneak up behind him but as soon as he even hears my footsteps he raises his head from the book and says, "(Y/N)?".
"How did you know?", I ask, genuinely curious.
"Just instinct", He murmurs.
I squeeze in beside him and lay my head on his shoulder. He wraps his arm around me instantly and kisses me on the forehead.
"How was practice?", He asks.
"Good. The ending not so good though", I say straightening up to look at him.
"What do you mean?", He says, concerned.
"When we were leaving, I spotted two members of the inquisitorial squad spying on us. They were literally waiting for merlin knows how long at the end of the hall outside the door", I say.
I see his expression change to immediate panic.
"Did they see you?", He asks.
"No, I was too fast for them. It looked like Grabbe and Goyle though".
"Really? Well, I suppose they never were the brightest. Not the kind of people that choose to think for themselves either. Clearly easily influenced", He says thoughtfully.
"What I actually wanted to ask was...do you know anything about it?", I say awkwardly. I'm trying my hardest to ask him this question without it seeming like i'm accusing him of something he didn't do.
"What? You think I told them?", He says shocked.
"No! I don't...I just know you used to be friends with them so I thought i'd ask just in case". The guilt hits me immediately.
"Yeah, we used to be friends. Not anymore.
I haven't talked to them since the start of first year and even if I did, we all made a promise to not tell anyone. I don't break my promises", He says very firmly.
I let out a deep sigh of relief.
"I know, I know. I'm sorry. I just had to ask. It would've been stuck on my mind", I admit.
"I understand that but I also understand that you need to trust me. I would never do something like that (Y/N)."
I look into his eyes and see the sincerity glaring at me obnoxiously.
"I know. I promise I trust you".
He grins and leans in to kiss me. His lips are warm and soft, tender almost. The kiss lasts a while.
He pulls away suddenly.
"What's wrong?", I ask.
"Nothing. I just wanted to look at your beautiful face again", He smiles sweetly and all the bad stuff melts away from my mind.
This is why I'm doing what i'm doing.
To protect what we have, to protect him.
It's all for Draco.

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