Knocked on the door.

"Hello." I heard shuffling in the room.

The door flung open, for me to see a out of breath of Mr. Fine. I saw a bit, of lipstick on his collar.

"Hi Violet. It's good to see you Violet." He continued. He was rapidly blinking "What are you doing here

"I need help with the homework." I spoke

"Um.. can't you watch, a YouTube video or something." He sounded a bit agitated.

I tried to answer his question. Then he cut me off by saying. "You can get a pass on homework." He tried to shut the door.

" Please sir. I really want to understand..." I beg

Mr. Fine took a deep breath. And moved aside. "Thank you." I Spoke

I walked in. I looked around, the room. I couldn't see Mia. I walked towards, the teacher's table.

"It's chapter. Six." I said all chirpy. I dug in my bag and switch on. The recorder, I pulled out. And dropped, it on the floor and slightly, kicked it under the table.

He walks over to me begrudgingly. I had a fake, wide smile on my face

He rubbed his face "What do you want help with?" He asked in a monotone voice.

I opened the textbook, and pointed at a  subtopic. So, he explains, it to me.  "Look under....." I was cut off. By my phone ringing.

"FINALLY."  I thought to myself.

I looked at Mr. FINE and said, "I'm sorry." Then I put my phone to my ear.

"Hi, it's Sydney. I'm just calling you cause it's a part of the plan." Sydney spoke to me.

"Hi mom." Violet, I acted all concerned.

"Yeah.. blah ...blah .." She said monotone.

"What wrong?" Mr. Fine asked, while having a pure look of concern on his face.

"My mother fell, from a ladder. I have to go bye." I dramatically said.

Rushed out. And closed the door.

"DONE." I said over the phone. and walked away. As a walked away, from the door.

I heard faint giggles. From behind Mr. Fine's door. You two have, no idea what pain waits for you guys. All thanks to Mia.

"That was so crazy Sydney. I can't belief we pulled it off" I said astonished.

"I wasn't even sure. That it was Mia, with Mr. Fine that day." Sydney exclaimed.

I continued to walk down the hall  ''Yeah. you are giving me, that tape recorder, to put in my bag genius." I praised her.

"But you are seating there. Waiting for them to come. And you're acting when. I gave you that, fake emergency call...Girl" We laughed

Sydney ended her laugh and said "I got to go. I have a conversation, to listen in on." I hung up on, the conversation between Sydney and me. She could, listen in on her MacBook.

I kept smiling at the plan, me and Sydney made. The planned, so was easy so simple. But extremely stupid, and based on luck. But I can't wait to give Mia, a taste of her atrocious medicine. Just wait, can't wait.

I don't even care if anyone, was listening in. I got to get her.


I went to the ice-cream parlor. A place where, my brother and I. shared before he left for prison.

I sat there staring at it. The message from, the unknown number.

It's nice to help a friend- Unkown.

Someone slides, in a booth across from me. I looked up, to see.

I saw eyes that twinkled, with despair and heart break. Deep like the ocean, but I still choose to take a dive.

"I need your help." Branson said. He folded his hands together on the table. "I'm going to ask you, this once so. Don't make me repeat it."

I leaned back in my seat, and looked at him.

He leaned closer "I need to break into the police station." While staring at me dead in the eyes.

My phone buzzed. I looked down, to see who it was. It was a message it read

It's nice to help a friend- Unknown

 Is he the friend, that I should help?


Author's note

Currently I am putting book on Ice till the end of July. You will have 5 new chapters on the first of August.

Hunted By The SilenceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora