They watched as the family seats began to give off golden light before the suffocating pressure of magic left the room.

Lucious Malfoy stood suddenly and was about to speak only to be cut off by Harry, "Before Lord Malfoy embarrasses himself by attempting to call line theft, I advise he remembers that his wife is a third daughter of a second son. I suggest he regards the will of Head Sirius Orion Black before embarrassing his name."

Ogden was quick to clear his throat as Malfoy flushed, "Is there anything more to raise before we go over the docket?"

"Yes, Chief Warlock, there is." Harry said, standing strongly, "I wish to raise the attention of this Wizengamot meeting to the fact that, Daphne Greengrass and myself are Bonded by our family magicks. Unless I'm ill-informed, such a bond sees her as my Lady and wife in the eyes of Magic."

"I also suggest shorting our titles to Potter, for simplicity." He added quickly as an afterthought.

"Thank you, Lord Potter," Chief Warlock Ogden nodded as he regarded Harry and Daphne seriously, "I'm not one to press my luck, and as your claim was judged my Magic herself, I'm going to believe that such a bond, rare however it may be, does exist between you and Lady Potter. Under our old laws, this body does recognize she is your Lady wife."

"Thank you, Chief Warlock," Harry bowed his head lightly to the aged wizard. With that, he led Daphne off the podium and to the Potter seats.


The next few days were gone quickly, Christmas Eve upon them with a chill.

The gathered families spent the day curled up inside, sipping on warm drinks as the twins, Hermione, and Tracey played games.

It was decided that the couples would participate in the Rite of Yule, with Augusta leading the Yule Fire, as she was the eldest.

Dinner that night was all but a feast, Maisey and Dobby happily serving and caring for the party.

"Remind me again why I shouldn't free the house elves?" Hermione asked over dinner, looking at Harry strongly.

"Because a symbiotic relationship is held before wizards and house elves. Our magic sustains them and they are our staff." Harry told her, "I'm still paying Dobby, but if I were to ask Maisey then she'll likely string me up by my ears."

"If I do then yous better learn from its," the old elf piped up, "I've been looking afters the manor and family since befores Charlus."

She gave him a motherly pat on his arm, "Your father was troubles, he was, but yous a good boy, Master Harry."

Harry smiled and shook his head slightly as he smirked, "Was granddad ever able to convince Gran to allow a dragon?"

"No," Augusta and Minerva cut in briskly.

"Dorea would put her foot down every time her brought it up," Minerva chuckled.

"Brother always wondered where James got his mean streak and pranking from, his answer Sister." The Longbottom Matron joined in.

Daphne shook her head lightly, "Their portrait is upstairs in the library. If you must talk about them, do it there."

The elderly witches looked at each other and let out a small fit of laughter. "And be subject to the sharp tongue and wit of Doera?" They shook their heads.

Amelia Bones sighed as she looked at Harry and Daphne, "It seems like you wee hit with the Potter Curse."

"What is the curse, anyway?" Blaise asked, he and his mother looking interested.

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