Chapter VII

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After Harry showed Daphne his inner lion, she had seemingly became obsessed with wanting to be an animagus. As such, she asked the only actual one that she knew, Professor McGonagall, who seemed abused, the process to becoming one.

Her answer only gave more questions. There were three ways to become an animagus. One: the process of holding a mandrake leaf in one's mouth for a month before taking a potion during a thunderstorm. Two: hours of meditation and the use of Occlumency, this way allowed a deeper connection to one's animal. And finally, three: to be born with an active connection to one's animal.

For those that were born with an active connection weren't actually animaguses at all, they were something else entirely. Daphne didn't fully understand this until McGonagall passed her questions to book titled; The Difference between Wizard and Warlock: A guide to the levels of Magick holders.

Once she read the book, she sent a letter to her mother requesting for refreshers in their pagan background. Anna Greengrass hinted at wanting details about why her daughter wanted such, but didn't outright say such. Her words were; "We'll talk over the holiday, won't we?"

Daphne knew a surefire way that would connect her with not only her animal self but also deepen her connection with Harry through the use of a Greengrass technique that was rarely used anymore, but she needed her father's blessing for such.


As September wiled away into October, Harry and Daphne spent their Friday nights in their meadow in the Room of Requirements. It had become their getaway from their everyday life. For in the Room, hidden away in that pocket of space, they were simply Harry and Daphne Potter... Although she legally wasn't a Potter yet and Harry was a lion while in the meadow. After all, who were they to understand the mystery of Magic?

On Halloween night however, they invited their friends and family at the castle into their rooms for a private dinner.

And so, at eight Halloween evening, Harry and Daphne were waiting for their company to arrive. They were dressed in light and airy robes, something comfortable for holiday, when the knocker sounded.

Daphne went to stand, only to be stopped by Harry by a kiss to her cheek. "I'll see them in." He said as he got up from beside her on the couch.

A moment later he led Neville, Susan, Hermione, and Tracey into their sitting room.

"Right in here, everyone. Sit where ever you'd like, Professor McGonagall should be here in a few." He instructed as he walked back to his place on the couch beside Daphne.

Neville let out a low whistle as he and Tracey looked around. Susan and Hermione were doing the same until Susan saw the bookcase and was quick to usher Hermione to a seat.

The girls took place on the sofa placed across from the couch, on the other side of the table, as Neville and Tracey took the seats close to the hearth.

"So," Susan began the conversation, "Where exactly in the castle are we, Harry?"

"Where do you think we are, Su?" He asked his cousin with a smirk on his face.

As he returned her question, the girl grew pensive until Neville sputtered after a moment, "How in the blazes did you move into Gryffindor's damned rooms?"

He stared at Harry hard for a moment before he chuckled, "Of course, you'd get them. A lion should only be houses in the den."

Tracey gasped after a moment, looking from Neville to Harry and Daphne before back to looking around the room before at Daphne again, "Please tell me that he's lying." Her face was lit with a grin as she seemed to bounce with every word.

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