What You Wish

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You know that feeling when you see someone and you just think, oh! I want that person to fear me! No? Just me? Ok.

Yes well, I was feeling that right now. Staring down at the stone nin I wanted them to cower in fear at the sight of me like they would Kakashi or Zabuza. It was a wried feeling but I wanted it. Though, I knew I'd have to become a little more well-known and notorious enough to get into the bingo book. Then they'd cower in fear at the sight of me. Yes, that sounded nice. Kami, I'm going crazy if I haven't already. I snorted quietly to myself.

Our chakras were masked as we sat in a tree, watching below. They had yet to notice us, I glanced at the boys. "They are Suna Genin," I stated, glancing at their headbands. I felt more than I saw Toshiro nod at my words. There were two girls and a single boy, all three looking scared out of their wits.

"Considering we literally just made an alliance between them and us, we should probably help," He said. I nodded. "So what's the plan Shika?" I asked, smirking at his annoyed face.

Shikamaru then explained a short plan of attack to us and I scoffed because it was literally my own plan of attack. Funny how great minds think alike. "Right well. I'm off," I sigh, jumping off the brand to land on the ground silently. Fortunately, they noticed and turned to me. I stood from my crouch, arms folded under my chest as I stared at them with an unimpressed look.

"What the fuck you want little girl? You wanna die too, ha?!" One of them exclaimed. I shrugged slightly taking a step toward them.

"You know, Suna and the Leaf just reformed their alliance," I stated blandly. A step. "You are also in the land of fire without authorization." Another step. "You are also attacking a Genin team from Suna and threatening leaf Shinobi," I snorted at that as I took a few more steps. "So tell me," I leaned and stared with narrow eyes into one of the Stone Shinobi. "What are you doing here?"

The stone shinobi snorted. "Why the fuck should we answer to you girlie? What can you do?" He taunted. For some reason, a theme song started playing in my head and I had to hold back my amused smirk.

"I can kick your ass," I stated simply as I brought my knee up between his legs and took a step back, I roundhouse kicked his head, sending him to the ground and out cold. I sighed and shook my head in disappointment before looking at the others. "Well? Come at me already, I wanna go home." Suddenly, they all charged at me. What obedient dogs, I mused. I took a step back and sidestepped one of them who came to punch me. Honestly, they all seemed at least low Chunin level. I scrunched up my nose and twirled around, scattering marked kunai across the area, some hitting the Iwa shinobi.

"Ha! Little girl your aim is totally off!" One of them laughed.

"Ah, really?" I responded, suddenly appearing in front of him with a kunai to his throat. "I hadn't noticed." I quickly slit his throat and kicked another man away.

Toshiro joined in, attacking them from behind and helping me make quick work of them. They attacked the Genin, who looked terrified but I managed to keep them away. Honestly, we didn't even have to use any Ninjutsu at all, well, that's a lie, we did have to use a little, but mostly Toshiro. Shikamaru caught them in their own shadows, trapping them and holding them still for us to take them out. Unfortunately, one of them managed to escape Shika's shadows and grabbed one of the Genin, holding them hostage as they held a kunai to their throat. I blinked, focusing on the man's chakra. He had larger chakra reserves than the others. So he was Jonin, or low-level Jonin. Ah, so that's how he managed to get past me. I mentally slapped myself for not noticing it sooner. We should have taken him out first! I huffed, absently noting Shikamaru and Toshiro landing behind me.

My gaze was trained on the Shinobi in front of me. The Genin, a girl with short brown hair and her headband around her neck, had fear shining in her eyes, that and she seemed to be struggling to stand upright. A possible leg injury. The man had an arm around her waist and another holding the kunai to her throat. His posture was off, however. The arm that held the kunai seemed to be shaking very subtly. An arm injury, I thought. Perhaps Toshi gave him that. My gaze flickered from the kunai I had marked in a tree directly behind him to one by his left leg then back up to him, a plan quickly forming in my mind.

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