C turned A

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"Sakura at point C."

"Naruto at point B."

"Sasuke at point D."

"Any sign on the target?"

"No." Everyone said in usison. 

"Wait...where is Ayame-chan?"

"Ayame report."


"Ayame report."



"Meow~!" Everyone came out of their hiding spots to see Ayame leaning against a tree, fast asleep with a kitten asleep in her arms. "Oh my god, that is so cute!" Sakura squealed and Naruto shushed her. "Quiet! You'll wake her up." 

Kakashi went over and gentally shook her shoulders, causing Ayame to slowly open her eyes. "Hmm? Oh...finally done are we?" She asked stretching slightly. 

"How long have you been here?" Kakashi asked. 

"Ugh.........20 minutes?"

"You've had the target for 20 minutes?" Sasuke asked and she nodded lazily while rubbing her eyes. "I thought I'd take a quick nap before you guys noticed." Kakashi sighed. 

"Ayame you can't just-" He cut himself off by when she leaned her head against his chest, her eyes closed, snoring softly. "Sakura did she sleep last night?" He asked. 

Sakura scratched the back of her head nervously. "No?"

"Why not?"

"Ugh...well..I-...it's complicated." Kakashi sighed again and shook Ayame wake again. She let out a small soft whine before sitting up properly and then standing up. Kakashi saw both boys look away from the girl, their cheeks red. He internally smirked at himself. "Come on, let's go." Ayame nodded, using one hand to hold the kitten and the other to rub her eyes. She followed Kakashi and the others followed her. 

Time skip

Ayame POV:

The lady took her kitten and left. Now Naruto was complaining that he wanted a harder mission. I zoned out. I stared blankly at the ground until I heard. "How do you expect these brats to protect me!?" I looked up to see an old drunk man standing in the doorway glaring at us. I gave him my normal calm look. "And just look at the shortie with a stupid look on his face." He sneered. My team literally lined up beside me and Naruto was the shortest. 

"What'd you say?! I'll kill you!!" He yelled and jumped at the old man but I grabbed him by his collar. "Naruto you aren't supposed to kill the client." I sighed. "But Ayame-chan~" He whined. 


"Ok, ok." He pouted and I get him to go. 

"Don't worry, if anything happened I'll be there," Kakashi reassured him. 

"Ugh. My name is Tazuna and I expect you to protect me with your lives." He started taking a large chug of his alcohol bottle. I narrowed my eyes at him before reverting back to my normal face. 

"Alright. Everyone go home and pack. We will leave in 2 hours. Meet up at the Konoha gate." Kakashi instructed and we nodded. Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura all headed out the door along with Tazuna while I stood standing in the office. Kakashi eyed me while I looked at the Hokage. After everyone left and it was just us three standing in the room, the Hokage sighed and went into his drawer, pulling out a stroll and holding it out to me. I smiled and took it with a grateful smile. 

Ayame Haruno (Naruto Various x OC)Where stories live. Discover now