Late Night Encounters

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We found Lady Tsunade in a restaurant. Jiraiya went in first followed by Naruto then me. I was exhausted. Not because of traveling, but because I've had a pounding headache ever since I had that vision of the future. I felt about ready to pass out but refused to do so until we met lady Tsunade because then I was sure Jiraiya would stay away from me as long as Tsunade was around. I saw a drunk Lady Tsunade with the short brown-haired woman from my vision. Jiraiya went up to them along with Naruto and I went and ordered a drink for myself, sitting a few feet away from them not bothering to listen to their conversation. I didn't necessarily want to get involved. Like, at all.  

I took a seat a the bar stool and ordered my drink. When the man gave it to me I made sure to ask if it was a non-alcoholic drink. Which thankfully, it was. The last thing I ever wanted was to get drunk. And the taste of alcohol sucks so I would never drink it anyway. I start to sip my drink peacefully until a man in his late twenties came to sit next to me. "Say, what's a little lady like you doing here all alone." 

"For your information. I ain't alone. Now leave me alone before I make you leave."

"A little overconfident are we?" He mused. 

I looked in dead in the eye. "Well, considering I could brutally murder every single person in the place before most even have a chance to get to their feet. I suppose so. Skills like that do wonders for self-confidence." The man paled, getting up before running off. I stared blankly at his retreating figure before rolling my eyes and going back to sipping my drink.

"Can I have a cookie now?" Hina asked and I nodded taking one out of my pocket for her.  

Abruptly, I heard Naruto shout out. "Fine! Let's go outside and I'll beat your sorry butt until you come back with us!" I turn around and narrow my eyes and the screaming blond child. I quickly pay for my drink, taking it with me and I walk over to the group. 

"Naruto quiet shouting you drawing attention to yourself," I said as I walked over to them. When I got to the table, two ladies turned their attention to me and I bowed. "Hello, lady Tsunade."

"Who're you?" She asked. I could tell she was half drunk. 

"I'm Ayame Haruno. I apologize for this child's behavior. Please forgive him. As for master Jiraiya," I turn my gaze over to said man and glare at him. "There is no point in talking about him." I looked back at her with a smile. "Anyway. I would like to make an official request that you come back to the village and become the Hokage. As I'm sure you've heard. Lord third was killed in battle."

"I know what happened. But I'm still not coming back." She huffed. My shoulders slumped and I sighed, tears filling my eyes. "Lady Tsunade," I called out and she looked at me, her eyes going wide while staring at me who was about ready to cry. "Please, please become Hokage. If not this perverted pedophile will become Hokage and the village is being completely destroyed. Please, have mercy on women kind. Who knows what he'll do if he becomes Hokage? He might make bathing springs mixed! And who knows what he'll do if there is no one to stop him. Every woman in Konoha would lose their dignity and honor." At this point, I was full-on crying. I really, really, really didn't want Jiraiya to be Hokage. "If he did I would 100% join the Akatsuki without a second thought. I'm sure most, if not all women in Konoha would either join as well or just lean out leave. Have mercy, please! And if not, can I at least go along with you? He's already traumatized me. I don't want to go throw that again!" 

Currently, I was sitting in between Lady Tsunade and Shizuna, whose name I just learned. They were both wiping my tears and trying to get me to stop crying. By now, I had been full-on crying for an hour and a half and my throat hurt from all the pleading. Tsunade had been glaring daggers at Jiraiya every few seconds and Naruto had fallen asleep on my lap while trying to comfort me. Eventually, I did stop, and Tsunade agreed she would come back saying she didn't have the heart to let every woman suffer at the hands of Jiraiya and that he would probably kill half the village with his stupidity in the first few days. 

Ayame Haruno (Naruto Various x OC)Where stories live. Discover now