A Few Screws Loose

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"Oi! Don't you dare throw up in my office!" Ibiki shouted at the pink-haired teen. Said teen turned around and leveled the older man with her blatest stare. 

"I don't know where you got the idea that I would throw up but please get rid of it." She said flatly. Ibiki smirked at her. 

"Most usually throw up after watching their first torture interrogation," He said. 

"Yeah, well, I ain't most, now am I? Besides, I've seen more traumatizing stuff than that before." She rolled her eyes as she sat down on a sofa in Ibiki's office. 

"Oh? Like what?" Ibiki looked interested, but you could only tell by the faint look in his eyes. 

"Oh, you know. Just watching a snake fight your teammates and completely obliterate them. Also watching your own twin get beat down till she was barely half alive and listening to your team's screams of agony. Nothing much. Somehow, always end up watching the few people you care about leave or get killed in front of you. Just the usual," She shrugged as if it was nothing. Ibiki, in all his high and mighty form, snorted and shook his head. 

"Welcome to the life of a Shinobi, brat."

"If that's the case I've been a Shinobi since I was five," She yawned, ignoring Ibiki's eyes boring into her side. "Anyway, you said Anko-san is going to supervise me?" She looked over at Ibiki only for him to smirk just as the door was kicked open. 

"The beautiful and sexy Anko Mitarashi is in the house baby!!" Came a loud yell and Ayame held back a long-suffering groan, which was pretty funny to her because she could see Ibiki do the same. 

"Mitarashi what have I told you about abusing my door," Ibiki stressed. 

"Dunno," The woman shrugged. "Never paid attention." Ibiki groaned quietly and shot Ayame a glare when she barely smothered her snort. 

"Anyway, Mitarashi, I got you an apprentice." Anko promptly choked on the air. 

"You've done what?!" She shrieked. "You know I don't do well with brats! And you want me to teach one?!"

Ayame pressed her lips together, realizing that Anko probably had yet to notice her presence so she deiced to make it known. "If you don't want to take me on," She spoke, Anko's head whipping around to her. "I can always just stick with Ibiki-san."

"You will not." Ibiki glared. "Anko is taking you on whether she likes it or not." Anko stared at the teen before a slow, evil smirk pulled at her lips. 

"Hey...aren't you the one that fought Orochimaru?" Ayame blinked, then grimaced as she realized that Anko was Orochimaru's apprentice. God fucking darn it. She thought. Ayame shrugged. 

"Dunno if you could really call it a fight. It was more like a beat down." She answered honestly. 

"The mere fact that you were able to even stand against him and live is an admirable feat," Ibiki stated absently. 

"I take back what I said, she's mine." Anko wasted no time in grabbing the younger girl's arm and dragging her out of the office. Ayame had enough time to give a tiny bow and shut the door behind them. 

Anko was... interesting, to say the least. She had dragged Ayame down several corridors and into what seemed to interrogation room and gave her a brief rundown on the person they were going to interrogate. Anko seemed to think that the best way for her to learn was for her to experience it for herself. And so, Ayame was shoved into a room with a beaten-up Sound-nin. Apparently, Anko wanted to see how good her skills were so she could get an understanding of where to stop from. In Ayame's opinion, it was...sickening easy. 

Ayame Haruno (Naruto Various x OC)Where stories live. Discover now