Moments to Cherish

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"Ayame!!" I was woken up and the sudden shock of someone screaming in my ear. I shot up, looking around before I heard a groan. I looked down to see Shikamaru glaring up at me with a tired look. "Get. Off." He ordered. I blinked, suddenly realizing I'd fallen asleep on him. I smirked and rolled off him and onto my feet. 

"Geez, woman. You sleep like a cowala. Latching onto me like there's no tomorrow and sleeping threw a tornado." He sat up and stretched slightly. 

I shrugged. "I regret nothing. I slept comfortably last night and I have reason to believe you did too."

"Shut up."

"No. Tell me, how did you sleep last night?" I placed my hands on my hips. He stared at him for a while before sighing. "That's the most I've been able to sleep for a while."

"Oh my. The Nara heir slept comfortably with a Haruno." I cooed. 

"Shut up." he hissed as his cheeks tinted red. I titled my head to the side. "Also, what did you say last night?"

"Huh?" He looked at her confused. "You said something right before I fell asleep. You know after I said you loved me." He rose an eyebrow. 

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Lies! I know you said something. Something about me being a troublesome woman and then something after that."

"You must have been dreaming." He stood up and began walking out of the room. "I'll be downstairs." I frowned. 

"Maybe...but...I was sure I heard something..." I muttered. She looked after him to see his cheeks slightly red. I raised my eyebrows and then rolled my eyes. 

"Stupid Shika." I hissed, grabbing some clothes and then moving to have a shower. I wore a pink baggy sweater and some black shorts that went down to my mid-thigh. I strapped my kunai holster to my shorts on my right side. I felt my hair down and realized it'd grown longer. It was now down to my mid-back. I pulled it into a high ponytail with my bangs framing my face. I quickly headed downstairs and saw Shikamaru in the kitchen doing something while mumbling to himself. I went over to him and placed my chin on his shoulder, seeing he was making eggs. 

"So, how'd your mission go?" He asked. 

"Hmm," I hummed for a second, remembering Hidan. "It went well. I made a friend there, he curses with everything he says."

"Is that so?"

"Yeah...I might have picked a little up from him. Hmm and he joined the Akatsuki in front of me hmmm and I fought two Akatsuki members. And on the way back I may or may not have murdered a group of mist Anbu who thought it was a good idea to piss me off. Oh, and I'm joining I&T." Shikamaru paused for a good minute. 

 "I don't know why I'm surprised." He sighed. "I'd expect nothing less from you." I grinned.

"So, has anything interesting happened while I've been gone?"

"Not really. Sakura started training under Lady Tsunade, Naruto went to train under Master Jiraiya. Sasuke left, but you knew that already. Everyone's been busy on missions. Village repairs have been going well." I hummed again and wrapped my arms around his waist, back hugging him. 

"Thank you, Shikamaru."

"For what?"

"Everything," I replied quietly. "You've always been there for me. And always by my side. So, thank you. I don't know how I'll ever repay you for what you've done for me." My mind wondered. I wasn't sure they I was saying this, I just felt the need to. It was strange, but in a way, I was also happy. Weird, it must be my time of the month soon. That would make a lot of sense. No wonder I was so so emotional last night. Darn it. Shikamaru was silent for a while, and I could hear, and feel him take a deep breath before turning around. I still had my arms wrapped around his waist so when he turned his face was close to mine. He sighed as he stared down at me. Of course, he'd gotten taller since I'd been away. Why do men grow so tall so fast??

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