A Chunin's Mission

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Early the next morning Lady Tsunade called me to her office. Now if you know me, I'm not a morning person. Translation: I will be late and I will have no shame in it. 

When I arrived, Naruto, Shikamaru, and a bunch of other genin teams were already there. Tsunade eyed me as I moved to stand next to Shikamaru. "You're late," she stated.

"Well maybe if you didn't wake us up so early we would be here on time!"

"I blame it on Kakashi sensei's bad influences." I shrugged holding in a yawn. 

Tsunade rolled her eyes before focusing back on the other Genin. "As you all know, the final results of the chunin exams were never given out due to the invasion. Lord third had already previously decided which of you would be making chunin." Everyone except me tensed. I didn't care too much if I made it or not. If I didn't great. If I did, even better. My current goal is to just make it to be a super-powered jonin and then just lazy around and be a badass whenever I felt like it. "Congratulations Shikamaru and Ayame. You two are official chunin starting today." 

"Huh?" Both I and Shikamaru tilted our heads to the side at the same time. "But I don't wanna-"Shikamaru was cut off by Naruto jumping and hugging both of us. "Congrats you two!" He shouted in our ears. I winced and pushed him off. 

"Yeah, yeah. Thanks, I guess." I bowed to Tsunade. 

"Now I have a mission for you guys."

"I knew there was a catch," I muttered. 

"There's always a catch."

"It seems Sasuke  Uchiha was taken by Orochimaru. Since we are short on Jonin, Shikamaru will be leading this rescue mission." 

"So I'm not going?" I smiled and she turned her icy gaze on me

"Not so fast. I have other plans for you." I sighed and slump forward. She started explaining what the group's mission was and I zoned out. I didn't realize how fast time passed and I was smacked on the back of my head by Shikamaru as he turned to leave the office. I glared at him before looking back at Lady Hokage. "And as for you!" She pointed a finger at me. "I was told that you were able to go one-on-one with Zabuza."

"That is true. But I mean he wasn't really trying to kill me." 

"You were still able to last a lot longer than a lot of Jonin that went against."

"I also heard from a little birdy that you had some kind of special Do-."

"That is a matter that must be kept completely private." I cut her off. Knowing full well there are Anbu listening in and some of them being Danzo's men nonetheless. The last thing I want is Danzo to be after me. Tsunade nodded and dismissed all the Anbu, placing some privacy seals on the room. She nodded toward me and I started. I took a breath before bluntly saying. 

"Apparently I have the Seireigan." 


"I know. That's what I said."

"No, I mean. What is that?"

"I don't know." I shrugged. "Lord second, or was it first? I don't remember who said it but they said it was a Dojutsu that was a mix of every Dojutsu in existence or something. It's apparently really rare and skips generations. The last person to have it was my great, great-grandfather or something."

"That's incredible. Wait. Does this mean Sakura has it too?"

"Unlikely. I'm not really sure how I unlocked mine but there was a lot of pain involved. And it's very rare so I highly doubt she has it as well. At least I hope she doesn't." 

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