Chunin exams

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"He's late," Naruto stated. 

"When is he not?" Sakura asked with her arms crossed.


"Say! Where's Ayame-chan?...she should be here by now, believe it!" Naruto said. "Grandpa Hokage said she would be back with us after her mission!"

"...I'm right here," I replied while yawning as I walked up to my team. I had just come straight from the hospital after getting myself healed and was dead right exughsted.

"Ayame-nii!" Sakura called out and ran to hug me. Naruto smiled brightly and Sasuke gazed at me with a blank face. "What took you so long? You're late."

"Geez Sakura, give me a break, will you? I just got back from my mission this morning and just came from the hospital straight here." I sighed. 

"Hospital? Are you injured?" Sasuke asked. The others looked at me worriedly. 

I shook my head. "Nah, I'm fine now. I just had a small injury but it's all healed now. Oh hey, Kakashi sensei," I waved my hand with a tiered look on my face. The others looked up to see Kakashi standing on the archway of the bridge. "You're late!!" Sakura and Naruto shouted. 

Kakashi waved his hands around before jumping down, making up some excuse like he usually did. "Hi, Ayame. Back from your mission so soon?"

"Unfortunately sensei. I know you wanted me to be gone for longer so you could have more time off."

"I- of course not."

"I can tell you're lying, you know."

"...Anyways, here. I'm recommending you all for the Chunin exams." Naruto cheered, Sakura looked so proud of herself, and Sasuke looked- like he was scheming something evil. I took mine and stared at it blankly. 

"You all don't have to do it if you don't want to." I quicked an eyebrow knowing if one team member diced not to do it the whole team would be allowed. Of course, it only took me a second to realize what Kakashi was staying to do. I sighed and leaned against the banners. "Sleepy?" I heard Kakashi ask me. I nodded. "I just got back this morning. I didn't even have time to rest before coming here." 

"In that case. You are all dismissed for the day. Just turn in your papers at the academy tomorrow if you want to participate in the Chunin exams. See ya," And with that, he poofed away. 

"Well, I'm out. Bye guys, I'm going to go fake a coma." I waved without looking at them and walked off. 

The next morning I went to the academy with Sakura, she was complaining about meeting a group of sand ninjas, one of them having red hair. I wonder who that could be. Hmm? And about Sasuke telling her to stop being useless and to train some more. Even though it sounded harsh I kind of agreed with him. She did need to train more, if not she would drag down the team. I didn't like it but it was the harsh truth. I sighed and met up with the rest of our team before entering the academy. I noted that there was a genjutsu was put on the academy to make it look like level 2 was level 3. I stared blankly at the commotion in the hall of students trying to get inside a room. I tuned out all the noise and pulled out a medical book, and started reading. I still took notice of everything that was happening, I just refrained from getting involved, unlike my team. 

I noticed Neji and a small smile formed on my face. Neji seemed to have a brief convo with Sasuke before Sasuke walked off with the rest of my team following behind him. I followed and stopped in front of Neji. "Hi, Neji-san. Please don't mind him, he's a bit...snobby." I giggled and Neji's sharp look softened slightly. "It's fine. How's your arm?" He asked. 

Ayame Haruno (Naruto Various x OC)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ