Robert: Yeah... maybe you're right. I love her so much. I know I've never felt for anyone, not even Claire, what I feel for Andy. I think about her all the time and worry about her. Just hearing her voice makes my day better. Andy has something magical inside her that makes me feel complete when I'm with her.

Lucas: It's good to see you in love like this. After so many dark years, I'm glad you're happy.

Robert: Thanks Luke.

The two friends continued to get ready and then went to church.

Robert was so anxious that he looked at the clock several times so that soon the ceremony would start and that Andy could be at that altar with him.

When there were about 10 minutes left for the ceremony to start, Ryan entered the church and went to greet Robert and Lucas.

Ryan: Andy and Pruit are already outside waiting.

Robert: Thanks for letting me know.

Ryan then proceeded to his groosman's seat, next to Lucas. The musicians began to play. The main door of the chapel was opening slowly. At that moment, Robert's heart accelerated even more, as did Andy's.

Pruit offered his arm for Andy to lean on and together they walked down the church aisle. Robert watched her enter and was thrilled. He then walked over to where Pruit and Andy had stopped. He greeted his father-in-law and placed a light kiss on Andy's forehead. They looked at each other smiling. Robert then whispered:

Robert: You are even more beautiful.

Andy: You look handsome.

They intertwined their fingers and walked down the aisle together.

The ceremonialist began by reading an excerpt from the bible that spoke about love.

Ceremonialist: Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not mistreat, does not seek its own interests, is not easily angered, does not hold a grudge. Love does not rejoice over injustice, but rejoices with the truth. Everything suffers, everything believes, everything hopes, everything supports.

In every sentence he said, Robert and Andy felt that those words made a lot of sense in their lives. They learned together that nothing is worth in this life if there is no love. And it was because of so much love that they overcame the distance that separated them for months. Robert's love for Andy got her through her fears when Pruit was being treated for cancer. Andy's love for Robert made him feel strong to regain movement in his legs. It was always for each other and love above all else.

When he finished reading the biblical message, the ceremonialist spoke a few more words and then it was time for the couple to say their vows.

The first to say was Robert. He was nervous and afraid of forgetting a word, but he didn't want to read his vows. He wanted to let his heart guide every word he was going to say. He turned to face her, taking both of her hands, and they both smiled.

Robert: Before I say my vows to Andy, I want to say my vows to Pruit.

He then kept his hands linked with Andy's, but directed his gaze to his father-in-law.

Robert: Pruit, God has entrusted you with a rare gem. You polished and made it unique in the world. I feel honored to have your respect so that I can take care of something that is so valuable not only for your life but for mine as well. Andy has become a unique woman, with her own values and infinite qualities. She is a sweet woman and at the same time strong. She is determined and at the same time sensitive. And everything I love about this woman I know comes from the teachings she had with you. So thank you for trusting and supporting me to become your daughter's husband today. I promise you that I will do whatever is necessary for her happiness. I promise to take care of her until the end of our lives.

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