"She's awake, isn't she?" He asks Cam who was finding it difficult to lie to him, he didn't deserve it, she thought.

She doesn't say anything in reply to the question, instead was fidgeting with her fingers.

He sighs, "Tell her I said when she's ready to talk to, I'll be waiting. And please tell her to put her phone on."

"Sure will."

"Also, tell her I'm leaving."

Cam frowns, "Why so soon?"

"Nothing." He shakes his head.

"But it's too early, can you stay a bit?"

He seemed to be in thought for a moment, "Okay." He finally mutters, "I'll be downstairs."

"Can I ask you a question though?" He says and she nods.

"Yeah, sure!"

"Do you know why she's acting that way?"

She bites her lips and casts him a pitiful gaze, "I'm sorry but it's not in my place to say. When she's ready to talk about it, I'm sure she would. Just be patient with her. She's hurting as much as you are, just know that."

He places his hand in his pant as a distant look crosses his face. That was not the answer he was expecting. "Thanks, I guess."

"It's okay." She smiles and when he leaves, she enters the room, shutting the door behind her.

"You need to talk to him, Ash. He's miserable. I feel bad for him."

Ashley who was sprawled out on the bed, picks up a pillow and lets out a loud scream in it. "I can't." She utters, voice muffled.

"What do you mean by that?" Cam sits beside her on the bed and pulls the pillow away from her face.

"What should I say to him, 'oh! I'm I'm jealous whenever I see you and Anne together'?"

"No." Yvie says, "Tell him how you feel about Anne being intimate with him, about them being close. Tell him to limit it maybe? He'd listen, and I'm sure would do something about it, he has a soft spot for you."

"Nooo!" she vigorously shakes her head, "He'd probably think I'm delusional and overthinking things."

"He won't." Yvie and Cam say at once.

She thinks about it and when reality hits her and realization dawns on her, "Aaaaargh!!" She lets out a cry, "Now, I'm ashamed of myself. I feel so guilty for ignoring him."

"You should be, and I insist, you need to talk to him. He's downstairs Go talk to him before he leaves. He informed me that he was leaving but I begged him to stay a bit."

"I've already told you, I can't. Besides, it's so embarrassing to talk about something as trifle this."

"I-t's not trifle!" Cam's voice raises a tad. "Stop belittling yourself. It's not trifle if you didn't like seeing them that close. It is in fact a sensitive topic. Better talk to him about it before you end up loosing him over constantly avoiding the things that ought to be talked about. Communication, I learnt, is very key in any relationship." Cam says.

"I know right?" She puts up a sorry face as she bites her lips.

"So, are you gonna talk to him?" Yvie asks, with hope.

She shakes her head painfully, "Later, not now. I just can't, now."

Cam sighs, "Don't say I didn't warn you."

"I can't right now, I'm embarrassed of myself as it is."

"No need to be. Anyways, I'm going to cuddle my boyfriend, so see you both when I see you. He's a bit mad at me but I know how to make him stop. He's such a big baby for me."

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