21. Summer break pr 2

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" hey , why don't you go and swim with us?", Evelyn and Fiona asked y/n.
" I don't feel like it Fiona ", y/n said.
" common y/n it's only 1,5 month left on your summer break" , Fiona said . Evelyn then said , " yeah and it's unbelievably hot " trying to back Fiona up.
" fine I'll come . Just let me change ", y/n said. As Fiona and Evelyn went out . Y/n went and changed into a pink bikini and went on her way towards the door. As she went out Carl and Dominique came through the door. Carls eyes went down to y/n's breasts. Dominique pushed her arms against Carls and said , " Carl !". Carl awkwardly looked up and smiled as he scratched the back of his head and said," oh uh sorry " .
Y/n got embarrassed so her cheeks got red. She pushed carls arm as she walked through them. Carl then turned around and shouted , " I said I was sorry !".
" it's not me you should say your sorry to, it's Dominique!", Y/n shouted back.
When y/n came to the pool Evelyn and Fiona were floating in some doughnuts that was in the pool. " hey what took you so long !", Fiona said to y/n who was jumping into the pool. " sorry, Carl and Dominique came in the way on my way out ", y/n said .
Evelyn and Fiona looked at each other and back at y/n who said , " Carl stared at my breasts . Dominique weren't so glad , obv. Carl the said he was sorry, but to the wrong person. ", y/n said . " what ?", Fiona said .
Evelyn then went on saying," wait what , what do you mean wrong person?  " .
" he said sorry to me when he is supposed to say he was sorry to Dominique ", y/n said .
" ohh shit ", Fiona said as she and Evelyn started to laugh.
" yeah I know right ", y/n said as she started to float on her back.
Some hours later y/n, Fiona and Evelyn went back to the house . When y/n opened the door they heard moans and slapping sounds.
Then when they went in through the door they saw Dominique riding Carl. " oh god ", Fiona annoyingly said . " Get a fucking room !", y/n angrily and annoyingly shouted. " gosh you two are disgusting, get a room and do it privately. Please !", Evelyn went on saying.
" oh..we-re...we're - sorry ", Dominique mound. y/n took Evelyn's towel and shut the door as she went outside and sunbathed while the others went in making Dominique and Carl stop.
After one hour Dominique and Carl went outside. " bye Carl see you tomorrow!", Dominique said and kissed Carl at the cheek.
She then went on her way home. Carl then went down to y/n and sat himself beside her and took of his shirt and started to sunbathe with y/n. " hey ", y/n said as she turned to Carl. " hey. Were we really that disgusting?", Carl said . Y/n looked at him like he was dumb. " do I really need to answer that ?", y/n said . " well yeah it's a question ", Carl said .
" Carl I don't need to answer it, Evelyn already said it", y/n said and sighed.
" so we were disgusting ", Carl said .
"'Well it wasn't the nicest thing to hear or see ", y/n said .
" oh well , it was nice ", Carl happily said as she smiled .
" yeah yeah ", y/n said as she looked away from Carl and showed her sad face.
" hey what's wrong ?", Carl asked as he laughed. " Oh nothing , just tired ", y/n said.
Carl put one of his hands on y/n's back trying to comfort her as he said, " hey, I can sense that something is wrong y/n and I don't like seeing you this way". Y/n put on a smile and  looked towards Carl as she said, " Carl I said I was fine, your overreacting ". Carl the started to play with y/n's hair and said , " fine if you say so. I'm here if you need anything ".
Carl then stood up and went in.
Y/n then turned around and let her tears run down out of her eyes one by one.

Some weeks later when it was just one week left of the break Dominique was talking on the phone .
" hey Amy I met this cute Collage guy yesterday. He asked me about my snap and I gave it to him. We later met and we made out!", Dominique said on the phone as y/n listened and watched through the bathroom door. Y/n accidentally swang the door open . " hey Amy I'll cal you back later , okay . Great ", Dominique said as she put her phone away. Dominique then walked closer to y/n and said, "don't you dare tell Carl!". Y/n crossed her arms and started to laugh as she said , " or what ". Dominique came closer with her face towards Y/n and said , " or I'll make your life a living hell !". Y/n pushed Dominique away from her and said, " yeah right. you cunt ! ". " hey what's happening!", Carl shouted as he came from behind Dominique.
Dominique hugged Carl and started to cry in his arms as she went in saying, " she hit me Carl !". Carl hugged Dominique and caressed her back. " I did not ! She's cheating on you Carl ! ", y/n shouted. Carl looked at Dominique and said," it this true ?". Dominique said, " ofc's not . She's laying and just jealous of our relationship!".
" she's a bitch Carl! I'm not laying!what I'm saying is the truth! Please believe me Carl !", y/n said.
Carl looked on y/n and Dominique before he chose his heart over his head. " y/n I always knew that you were jealous! Stop laying !", Carl shouted .
" you know what Carl! You two suck . Jokes on you Carl ! One day you'll see that I'm right ! And yeah I'm maybe was jealous but I would never lie to you or try to take your happiness away from you. Fuck you Carl!",
y/n shouted as she pushed Carl against the wall with her arm as she walked away.
" you bitch ! Something is seriously wrong with you !", Dominique shouted.
" Fuck you Dominique get used to it you Cunt !", y/n shouted back as she slammed the door.

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