25. Goodbye doesn't mean forever

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Y/n and Evelyn were driving home after they had grocery shopped for them and the Gallaghers. They were quite until Evelyn looked towards y/n and broke the silence by asking " so how do you feel about Carl leaving?".
" like shit ", y/n said answering Evelyn's question. She didn't even look at Evelyn, she just looked frontwards. " I get it's hard y/n but you have your whole day today with Carl".
" yeah I know ", y/n said while she laid her head on the door and looked out to her right through the window.
" I'm here if you need to talk y/n. We are sisters, we are family. Don't forget that " , Evelyn then said. Y/n turned her head around and looked at Evelyn and said , " I know".

When they came home y/n helped Evelyn pack up the food and place it in the right place. Y/n then felt as hands came from behind her covering her eyes. The same person said, " guess who?". Y/n smiled and said , " hmm.. maybe the love of my life ". She then pulled the hands away from her face and then turned around and stood face to face with Carl who was smiling.
Carl took a grip of y/n's hand and said , " come on let's go " and started to led y/n up the stairs up to his room. He then turned around and sat her down on Ian's bed.
" what is it Carl ?", y/n asked. Carl held his hand behind his back and replied with, " I-I uh.. I want to give you something since I will be away for a while so you have something special from me ".
" what is it ?", y/n asked. Carl took his right hand out and held out a little box and opened it with his other.
" omg Carl it's beautiful ! You really didn't have to ", y/n said as she started to cry.
" this silver neckless with the two hearts connected symbolizes our hearts sitting together connected", Carl said as he took out the necklace. Y/n then took out her hair out of the away , Carl then sat himself behind y/n and put on the neckless on her.
Y/n then turned around and hugged Carl tightly. She then let him go and sadly said , " I wish that I gave you something ". Carl took a grip of her hands and said, " it's okay y/n you don't need to ".
Y/n looked down at her hands and said, "  I know, I know,  but I wanted to give you at least something since you gave me something ".
Carl left his grip of her hands and placed them around her cheeks . They made eye contact. Carl then said, " the thing that you could do for me is to smile in return ".
Y/n then smiled and kissed Carl on the lips. Carl kissed her back. They then started making out. They then stoped and went down the stairs . Evelyn had left by now.
Carl and y/n started to watch some things on youtube in the living room . Carl laid in y/n's arms hugging her. She hugged him back with one of her arms while the other played with his soft curly locks. She then kissed him on the forehead.
They then fell asleep. When they woke up Carl went up and started to pack. Y/n helped out.
~ one hour later ~
" it's time then ?", y/n sadly asked.
" yeah I guess ", Carl said.
They went down the stairs and haled hands on the way to the bus stop.
Evelyn, Fiona, Debbie,  Lip and Debbie 's friend came by. They stood behind Carl with y/n. Carl then turned around and met up with Dominique's dad who said , " wanted to make sure you got to the bus even if I had to handcuff you to do it".
Carl then answered him with , " no no no, you don't ". Carl then went on to hug him but he put his hands up in rejection. He then asked , " are you ready ? ". " no ", Carl said and turned around facing his family, lover, family friend and Debbie's friend and said , " I'm going though. I think I need to. I need some direction. I'm not good at school, I'm not good at sports , Definitely not back at the corner. One thing I do know is I can take a punch and hit harder back , hopefully I can put that to some use".
Fiona then went towards Carl and said , " call, Email ". She then put her hands on his cheeks and said ," Don't make me come down there ". She then placed her hands on his shoulders and said, " and embarrass the hell out of you ". She then went on hugging Carl . Carl hugged her back. " I'm proud of you ", Fiona said as she let go of the hug at the same time as Carl. She then took her last grip of his face and then down to his shoulders and gave him a big black plastic with stuff that he will need and backed away. Debbie then stepped forward and hugged him. Lip and Evelyn then did the same as Debbie.
Y/n then came forward and hugged him and whispered , " I love you Carl , don't forget that and please be careful ".
When they both pulled away Carl said , " how could I ever forget that ". He then put his hands around her head and and said " I love you too y/n and I will be careful , and don't forget this goodbye Isn't forever " and kissed her on the lips.
Carl then turned around and went on the bus . He stopped when he came up the stairs and turned around and loudly said, " I'm gonna come back a man ! ". The doors then closed. They all looked at Carl who proudly smiled and went into the bus. The bus then drove away.
They then started walking away.
" how long do you think he'll last ?", Fiona asked .  " a week" , Fiona answered. Lip then fastly replied with , " four hours ".  Evelyn then said , " 1 month".
They then walked by Dominique's dad who said that he had some business to do protecting his daughter from some guy. Debbie then said that she had to go home so she walked away. The only ones that was left now was Lip, Fiona, Evelyn and Y/n. " so are you guys heading home ?", Lip asked while they walked together. They then stopped when Fiona stopped and crossed her arms as she said , " paty's ".  Lip answered her with , " it's not to late. You can still back up that loan " and then walked away.
" yeah he's right Fiona , we're here if you need anything. But we need to go home now ", Evelyn said. They hugged Fiona and went home.

Y/n cried for that whole night when she slept in Carls bed with his clothes.

Carl Gallagher X y/n Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя