10. Reunion

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Y/n was sleeping in Carls bed as usual . She was sleeping in a deep sleep .
Carl came home the same day . He opened the door to the house and dropped his things and saw no one being home, or so he thought. Then he heard Fiona say ," Debbie did you get my text about picking up hamburger buns ? "from the kitchen . Carl then answered Fiona by saying , " nah it's me". Fiona tuned to Carl saying his name " Carl " and then ran to him saying , "oh my god holy shit " and hugged him. Carl smiled back and hugged her as well . Fiona then said hi and asked , " when did you come out " happily.
Carl then wen't on answering her questions saying that he came out this morning.
When they broke there hug Fiona went on saying ," where did you cal ?" But then turned her intention to carls Braids inspecting them .
Carl proudly smiled and said , " nice huh?".
Fiona answered his question saying , " uh it's different " but then turned back her intention to him getting released much earlier and said , " I thought you had another couple mouths ".
Carl answered Fiona's question by saying , " I got out in good behavior " . Then he quickly turned his attention to Liam who happily tan to Carl . Carl bend down and touched Liam's shoulder and said hi to him .
Fiona quickly reacted to Carls voice . She said , " your voice , it dropped like two octaves".
Carl then proudly said , " my testicals dropped to ".
Fiona then asked how Carl came home . Carl explained that G-dog picked him up. Fiona then asked if he wanted to have some food but Carl explained that he already eat some food . Carl then went on washing if he could have a sleepover at home . Fiona didn't mind so she said yes . Fiona asked it was and Carl explained it was some kid he meet .
Fiona then said , " it's good to have you home ". Carl responded by saying , " it's good to be home ".
" y/n's home by the way ", Fiona said to Carl .
" where is she ?", Carl said looking up at Fiona and curiously .
" she's upstairs . In your , Lip and Ian's room ", Fiona said pointing with her hand backwards towards the staircase .
Carl went towards the stairs on his way to his room . When he opened the door he saw y/n sleeping in his bed . Carl's smiled as he saw her . Carl went up to his bed and hugged y/n. He then fell asleep as well .

When y/n opened her eyes she realized she was in Carls arms . There faces were close to each other . One of y/n's legs were over Carls legs . Carls had one of his arms around y/n's waist , the other was holding her around her shoulder . Y/n's right arm was holding her right under arm under his arm and the other was touching his waist . " Carl is this really you ?", y/n said stroking his chin  looking up at him with her eyes .
Carl opened his eyes happily and said , " bitch I'm back , and I'm back for good !".
" Carl I Missed you ", y/n said looking him deep in his eyes while still holding her hand at his chin .
" I missed you to love ", Carl said smirking .
" I really mean it Carl . I missed you , A LOT " , y/n said stroking his face with hand .
" I really missed you to bitch !", Carl said while smiling and starting to stroke y/n with his thumb on her waist .
Y/n sat herself up and said , " Carl we should probably get up already " while yawning .
Carl noticed y/n was wearing her flannel with one of his shirt . He thought it was adorable but he didn't want to come clean to himself that he really liked .
" isn't that my shirt ?", Carl asked y/n .
" yeah it is , sorry .", y/n said blushing and looked away .
" girl it's okay !", Carl said touching her shoulder .
" honestly Carl , I missed you so much so I wore your clothes at times to feel closer to you...that's why I slept at you bed as well ",
y/n said .
Carl opened his mouth in chock and dragged his hand down to y/n's arm and his thumb accidentally slipped in through his flannel .
Y/n quickly pushed Carls hand of her and said , " don't touch my arm !".
" gees I'm sorry bitch don't be a pussy , what do you think I would do ", Carl asked laughing .
" it doesn't matter. I'm going out , bye ", y/n said .
" gosh what's up with her . I hope I didn't make her mad ", Carl thought for himself as went down the stairs and went up to meet up with his Friend from Juvie Nick.

Y/n quickly went in as fast as she saw Carl leave . She quickly changed her clothes to
Some short dark blue jeans shorts , black thigh highs, a oversized dress/shirt that was black and a green/blue flannel . She put on her converse and went out agin . She went to a candy shop and bought some bubblegums and lollipops . She then went on to open one of her lollipops that was red and tasted as strawberry. She then went to a play ground and swinged lightly on the swinger .
*beep beep beep beep *
" what Carl ?", y/n said annoyed.
" hey bitch can you help me with a job ?", Carl asked while smirking behind the phone .
" fuck no ! I don't want your dirty money or so your stupid job. Bye Carl ", y/n said rolling her eyes and clicking Carl.
Y/n flew away on the swing and jumped to the sand . Fiona then called y/n asking her to come home and help to prepare for Carl's welcome back party .
Y/n walked home and came through the back door .
" hey where were you ?", Debbie asked while she helped Fiona fixing the cake.
" oh I just bought some gum and lolipops ",
y/n explained while fixing things into place .
" oh we thought you were with Carl ", Fiona said .
" nope . ", y/n said .
" why , have you two fought already?", Ian asked.
" nope . ", y/n answered .
" do you wanna talk about it ", Evelyn asked .
" nope . " , y/n said .
When they were done Carl came just right away .
" Surprise Carl ! Welcome back!" , everyone in the Gallagher house said.
Carl just a stood quiet as Nick was by his side .
Fiona happily said , " do you want cake ?".
Carl declined making most of the smiles fade away from the crowd. He said him and Nick were gonna go up stairs.
Y/n went and slept at the couch that night since Carl and Nick shared the room.

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