5. Growing up

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" CARLLL!!!", Evelyn shouted .
" stop being all over my sister . Please Carl keep your winer in your pants and don't put it in my sister .  ", Evelyn said .
" shit Evelyn ! Your looking good ", Carl said checking her out while laying in the couch with Y/n . Then Carl said , " maybe I will . Maybe I won't Evelyn . I mean your sister is really pretty ", Carl said .
" oh shut it Carl ", y/n said rolling her eyes to the side away from him and pushing  him lightly to the side with her arm . He pushed her back the same way.
Evelyn shaked her head and rolled her eyes and said , " gosh you two ".
She then wen't back to the kitchen and started cooking food for Y/n , Carl and the rest of the Gallaghers t'll when they come back home .

" thanks Evelyn this tastes amazing ", Carl said .
" thank you ", she answered back .
" yeah Evelyn , Carls right . This is really good !", y/n said .
Fiona then comes in and hugs y/n and Carl while they're eating . She then walks by Evelyn and touches her shoulder to say hi and then walks by .
Fiona then came back and sits down with Carl, Evelyn and y/n .
Debbie , Ian and Mickey came over and eat lunch with them as well .
Carl then started playing with y/n's hair and curling it around his finger .
" Carl do you really need to touch me all the time . It gets exhausting at times ", y/n said laughing.
" CARL ! ", said Fiona and Evelyn strictly at him .
" sorry ", Carl said picking up his hands and looking away rolling his hands and then putting them down agin .
Y/n put one of her hands on his knee and stroked it with her thumb making him blush . She then said , " Carl it's okay . I don't maind it as long as you don't do it like all the fucking time and don't try to get into my pants ", y/n said and smiled at the end. She then lifted her hand up  off Carl's knee and returned to eat the food .
" oooooooo ", Ian said .
Everyone at the table except for Mickey looked at him with a serious face .
" okay sorry I was just kidding ", Ian said .
Mickey touched Ian's leg and and stroked it while smiling at him to show Ian that it was okay . Ian smiled back . Mickey then  kissed him at the cheek.
Y/n and Carl were done eating there food so they left their plates near the sink counter and went up the stairs to Carla room .
Carl took some smal shot containers that he stole from som people when he was nine with his friend . He filled them with whiskey. They also took some weed from Carl's brothers and sneaked out through the back door .
" y/n ?", Carl said while walking and taking a shot on the way  .
" yeah what is it ?", y/n said smiling at him .
" you know the girl at our school that is sooo hot . You know the one that has big curly hair , pretty eyes and a nice jucy ass ", Carl said .
" ehh Carl.. do you mean Dominique Winslow ?", y/n said taking another shot .
" yeah I think... but it doesn't matter. She's hot and I want her . Her body Is gorgeous. It gives me a boner just of thinking of her ", Carl said while taking two more shots in a row .
" Carl ! That's disgusting . Why would you even say that about a girl...Carl Carl Carl.. you get horny just of seeing a woman's cleavage. Gees Carl ", y/n said .
" I'm sorry I'm just a young fkn man going into the progress of becoming a handsome, sexy and wild man Y/n . You'll see . Some day you'll find me attractive ", Carl said and winking at the end and punching y/n to the side .
" in your dumb fucking dreams Carl Gallagher ! " ,
y/n said loudly pushing him to the side .
When they came to the park they laid themselves down at the grass. They looked up in the dark that was lit up by some lamps around the place .
Carl and y/n started rolling some paper with weed and started to smoke .
Time flew like crazy. The next time they opened their eyes it was brought day light and Y/n and Carl cuddled up aginst each other on the grass . Carl laid and hugged y/n . Y/n hugged Carl .
" Carl wake up " , y/n said while yawning and shaking Carl .
" good morning princess " , said Carl smirking .
" Carl I'm not you princess and I'll never BE YoUr princess " , said y/n while baking away from Carl and siting herself up.

Carl then stood up and held his hand out .
Y/n accepted his hand . Carl dragged y/n up from the ground so that there faces could feel each other's breath . They stared deep into each others eyes for a short while that felt longer then it actually was. Y/n looked away and started to blush .
Carl started smiling . He then moved his face closer to her face and looked up and down on her lips. While moving his face closer a voice called , " y/n , Carl we all were worried sick ! Get home now ! " , shouted Evelyn , Lip and Fiona .
Carl backed away with his face and looked away towards Lip , Fiona and Evelyn .
Carl dragged Y/n with him so she walked behind him . " tag ", Carl said as he started running away .
" Carl are you serious? Ugh common ? Do I really need to do this ?", Y/n wined as she slowly walked after Carl .
As y/n tagged Carl he said , " yes you do , for me " .  Y/n then started running away from
Him . Carl fastly cutup to y/n . He touched her arm when she was about to run so she slipped . They both fell on the ground.
Carl fell over y/n with his hands beside her head and hands/arms , his right leg was between her legs and the other between his leg and one of her legs .
Carl and y/n looked deep into eachother ieyes and Carl started to smile at y/n while she blushed and started smiling.
" Carl for real ! Did you really need to make me fall .  ", y/n said .
" I said that you would get your payback some day y/n y/l/n ", said Carl .
" Carl can you move , I can't really move if your on top of me ?", asked y/n.
" no ", said Carl .
" Your so annoying! Are you fucking serious ! Your so ..ugh.. just annoying at times . Okay !!!", y/n shouted .
" y/n stop being a prick and kiss me ", Carl said proudly .
" no I won't Carl . Just stop already " , y/n said loudly .
" y/n chill I was just kidding ", said Carl while his smile faded away .
Carl moved back and helped y/n up and they walked back home in there own slow movements .
Fiona , Lip and Evelyn heard and witnessed it all . They looked at each other and lounged .
" I think Carl likes y/n , like I mean like likes her " , Fiona said .
" young love ", Lip said in a joke way .
" what if ? I mean it does seem like it ", Evelyn said.
" yeah it does ", Fiona and Lip said .
When they came home y/n and Carl went to the living room and played som video games for a little while . Then they watched some movies . Y/n had her head on Carls shoulder. Carl didn't mind . After some hours y/n fell asleep. Carl laid himself down and placed Y/n in his arms and hugged her .
Carl then felt asleep as well .
Fiona then walked in and shut off the TV and looked at Carl and y/n . She called at the rest of the Gallaghers to chek it out . They quietly went down and watched them and then some of them went back to the kitchen and some back to what they were doing before .

Carl Gallagher X y/n Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang