fight before a game

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"fuck off neymar" I scoff at him, he takes a step closer, his face inches away from mine.

his aggressive side starts to show, and I can feel his warm breathe on my face.

"why do you have to act like such a fucking bitch all the time y/n" he coldly remarks.

neymar can go from one to a hundred so quick, hes so loving and caring and some days hes cold and distant. I know hes stressed about his game today but why does he always take his anxiety out on me? it isn't fair, I haven't done anything.

"why do you do this ney? look I know youre stressed for tonight but it'll be okay, you'll play well like you always do, theres no need to get upset" I try to calm him down but he still look just as angry. 

"just shut up y/n, you dont know what youre talking about, im not stressed youre just pissing me off!" he begins yelling at me again.

when he in a mood like this, theres no point in arguing, 

"fuck you neymar, im trying my hardest to be supportive and excuse your mean behaviour on your nerves, but you have no right to treat me like this" I say before storming off and upstairs to our room. i hear his voice full of regret behind me, calling my name and apologising, but I dont accept it. i enter our bedroom, locking the door behind me before curling up in our king sized bed, the heavy blanket engulfing my entire body. I listen to neymar downstairs, i can hear his footsteps around the house as he grabs his keys and other objects. I glance at the time, he must be getting ready to head out. 

I have never missed a single game of neymars, I always am there watching and cheering for him. today is going to be the first match of his I will miss, I feel guilty and want to go for him, but I remember the awful shit he just said to me, he doesnt deserve my love and support especially when hes the one who didnt accept it.

I hear our front door shut and his car engine turn on, a tear rolls down my eye after listening to his car pull out of our driveway and drive off.

two hours later*

I finally get out bed, coming out of our bedroom and walking back downstairs since neymar would already be at the stadium by now. after any fight me and neymar have, I always feel like shit. I dont have any desire to move or do anything. I head to the kitchen, wanting to get myself some snacks and comfort food to eat while I sit on the couch and watch neymars football match anxiously. 

I turn the tv on and change it to the football channel. the game is just about to start and I watch anxiously waiting for the camera to show ney. 

all the players are standing in their positions waiting for the whistle to blow, the camera finally shows neymar. 

the feeling of pain and guilt washes over me when I see his face. he looks drained and upset. his eyebrows furrowed with a worried expression. he usually looks excited and happy before the game, but today he looks sad and angry, all because of me, and our stupid argument.

as the game continues, neymar plays beautifully like always, I sit on the edge of my seat when he dribbles down the pitch, shooting and scoring a goal.

I smile and cheer as I know getting a goal will brighten his mood. he hugs a few teammates, and runs over to the main tv camera in which he usually does a celebration, but this time he doesn't do his usual dance.

he comes close to the camera, and mouths "im sorry amor" with a smile on his face. he makes a heart with his hands, before running off.

I catch myself grinning at his actions, of course he would celebrate by apologising to me about our fight on tv. 

hes so cute.

*an hour later*

I hear our front door open and footsteps enter, I hear him drop his bags and I immediately get off the couch, running over to see him. 

he has a slight smile on his face and I jump into his arms, he sighs deeply in relief as he holds my embrace.

"congratulations baby, you played so well" I say,

"thankyou amor, did you like my celebration?" he asks.

"I loved it" I say, placing a soft kiss to his lips.

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