see u again

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Its been 3 years since Neymar and I split up. Nothing too serious, we had always been an on and off couple, and the long distance was getting too hard, we barely saw each other, so we called it off. That was the biggest mistake of my life, and I regret not trying harder everyday, we could have made it work, but we just gave up. Im still in love with him, but im sure hes moved on by now. 

I get ready to go to a party tonight with my friends, ive been back home in Brazil for a couple months now, so I thought Its time to go out to a local party and have some fun, maybe even try to get my mind off Neymar and find someone new. 

I dress up with my friends and head to the party, as we arrive, a ton of people are already there, dancing and drinking. I walk around, trying to find someone familiar. I go and to get a drink, but someone accidentally steps on my shoe walking past, "sorry" he says quickly glancing back at me, but when his eyes lock into mine, he stops moving, as he realises who I am. Its neymar, my ex boyfriend. I look into his eyes, a slight smirk creeps onto his face, he comes closer and kisses me on the cheek, pulling me in for a hug. "y/n, how are you?" he says, "hi neymar, im good how are you" I ask. "im alright" he says. Awkward seconds of silence pass, its been so long, we dont have much in common anymore I guess, but the tension is still there. "I never thought id see you again" he says, a smile of releif on his face. "me neither," I say.

"I missed you y/n," he says, "us breaking up was the worst thing to ever happen to me, can we go somewhere and talk?" he says. "uhm, sure" I say as he leads me back to his car, I wonder whats going to happen now.

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