"Treat it well." There was a low laugh in my ear, and my eardrum was filled with a rough voice, "I have to take action now."

    After finishing speaking, the webbed claw he placed underneath suddenly touched me On the waistband of my trousers, I grabbed my belt and yanked it off (I should be thankful that he didn't tear off my trousers this time), and the trousers, which were so wet and sticky to me, fell to my ankles in two or three strokes. My bare legs were pulled onto his shoulders, the scarlet tongue licked all the way down the legs, but the narrow eyes stared straight at me like a wild wolf.

    That kind of look made my blood rush from below to the top of my head like a flood. I straightened my waist and slumped on the door panel in a twitch. The lower part of my body was almost on his shoulders, being carried up and down by him like that, watching my raised thing shamelessly against his lower lip.

    I looked out of the iron gate with trepidation, for fear that someone would see me and his posture inside, but fortunately, it was dark here, and there were no ships passing by at all. The only thing that could see us was the night sky above our heads. This kind of secret environment My lust was finally released without any scruples. The torrential rain poured down on me, but it couldn't cool the burning temperature on my body at all. My whole body was as hot as a gas stove about to explode, and the skin as far as I could see was flushed as if it had been fried. But he licked my place so hard that I couldn't help but bury my head when I was about to ejaculate. His wet and soft tongue went straight into the territory that I longed to be violated by him, wantonly teasing my quivering tight inner walls.

    "Hmm...damn..." I closed my eyes and snorted, I couldn't help curling my toes, and tightened my arms around Agares' back with desire and dissatisfaction. Rubbing against the muscles of his back, but was widely separated by his webbed claws, slowly, inch by inch, full of erotic caressing from the ankle to the heel of the leg. This made me feel like he wanted to open the shell like a clam, and then carefully enjoy the delicious clam meat inside, and he wanted to eat me up without leaving a drop.

    The body that has not been touched by him for two years is extremely sensitive. Just being licked by him, I couldn't help but ejaculated for a round, but soon became hard again, and twisted his tongue in the back of my mouth even more Tight, just longing to be fucked by something bigger, but I can't fucking say it, and Agares doesn't seem to stop to get into the subject like he's trying to torture me.

    I lay there in a daze on my back, panting like air leaking from my mouth, I was about to go crazy by this kind of pleasure that was infinitely stretched like sugar silk but I couldn't get an orgasm, I just reached out to help myself release, But Agares grabbed his wrist. He turned me over, made me lie on the rickety and creaking door, and then spread my ass apart, biting, kissing, and stroking with my fingers Looking at my upright thing, it seems that I will not give up until I knead my body soft enough. But I swear I'm as soft as a cake inside and out, and I can squeeze cream.


    I wailed hoarsely, twisting my back slightly to urge him. The wet jacket wrapped around my body made me very uncomfortable. I simply pulled the skirt to take off the outer suit and the inner shirt together, but Agares didn't come to help me, although I heard My breathing was short of breath, and the thing against my ass was as hard as a steel rod. I know the goddamn guy enjoys the sight of me undressing myself, he enjoys me being like a kid begging him for candy, hell.

    But I really can't bear it, I've been dreaming every night for the past two years to have trouble with him, and at this time, I still have to be tested by this guy. I cursed at him secretly, impatiently tore off my shirt, took it off and threw it aside, lowered my head against the door panel, and complained in a low voice: "I'm naked...I...want you to be like that..." "

Desharow Merman (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now