A day out - Jay

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Jay's POV: 

I'm so excited for today! I managed to get tickets to a concert for y/n's favourite m/a (music artisit). I can't wait to get her reaction when I show her the tickets. They're still asleep so I'm going to have to wake her up. I walked down the hallways to y/n's room and knocked on the door before I walked in.


Y/n screamed and fell out her bed with a thud and then scrambled to their feet and saluted me??

"Ready for action sensei" they said.

I laughed. I laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed- OWWWWWW!!! I held my cheek as I felt a burning sensation travel across my skin. I looked up and saw y/n  standing with her hand raised.

"Jay Gordon Walker! If I do not hear a good reason as to why you woke me up up by screaming , I swear to god you will never see the light of day again!!" They threatened.

Crap I'm gonna die... well it was nice knowing life while it lasted. Goodbye everyone .

(Author: what the hell are you doing?

Jay: preparing for my death?

Author: NO! carry on with your POV, ya big divvy. Or I'll be the next one to slap you

jay: okay, Jesus I can't do anything right can i ? How nice it is having two people threatening me )

"Iboughtyouconcertticketstogoseem/a " I blurted. (I bought you concert tickets to go see m/a)

"Oh my god oh my god oh my god. Arrgghhh, Jay your the best" y/n screamed. 

"Yeah, yeah I know. Now get ready, the concert starts in a few hours and we have to be early if we want good seats " I replied. 

I left their room and heard squeals coming from the other side. Yup, that's definitely my sister. 

Your POV: 

Oh my god. I can't believe Jay actually did that. He got me tickets  to see m/a!!! He's the best big brother EVER!!

I got changed then went down stairs to see Jay already waiting for me at the door. 

"Which vehicle are we taking?" I asked.

Jay laughed and ruffled my hair, " No vehicles, we're walking" 

I groaned, "But I hate walking!!!..." 

"You wanna see this concert or not?" Jay questioned.

I started speed walking out the door, "and we're walking. Where is the concert anyway?" 

"Mega monster amusement park" Jay said.

~Time skip to the end of the concert. Sry peeps but I don't have much experience with concerts so I don't wanna bore you all~ 

"Oh my god! That also AWESOME!!" I yelled.

"Yeah it was really fun" Jay laughed.

"Hey bro?..." I asked.

"What's up sis?" Jay turned and faced me.

"Pretty pretty please can I have a piggy back?? Pleaaseeeeeee????" I whined, doing puppy eyes.

"Oh, go on then." Jay said and knelt down so I could get on his back. 

I leaned my head on his shoulder and started to feel really tired. I let out a long yawn followed by multiple others. 

"Well someone's sleepy" Jay teased.

"Mhm. Thanks for an amazing day big bro. I couldn't want anyone  better to spend it with" I said before drifting off to sleep. 

Your outfit 

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Your outfit 

Sorry for the wait but I will promise to write more. If you have any suggestions, let me know cause I have a bit of writers block

Love you all 

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