Back to Hogwarts

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With a loud crack we apparated to Platform 9  3/4 I was happy to go back to Hogwarts but was dreading because there were good and bad memories there especially the Battle of Hogwarts although my nightmares were getting less and less worse I was worried that my parents will go home too quickly so I decided to spend some quality time with them and did so over the holidays we got to know each other better and dad was delighted about how much mischief I had done at Hogwarts although mum was slightly disappointed about the fact that I had ridden a flying car to school in my Second-Year and said 'That was immature of you boys'.

Finally we made it to Hogwarts and the fact that Ron and Hermione kept bickering Non-Stop like an old couple was irritating me and pissing me off so then I shouted 'SHUT UP' and everyone had fell silent and looked at us. Ron's cheeks were flushed a bright red like his hair and Hermione was furiously blushing and then everyone got back to watching the sorting until the headmistress' speech and then the first years gaped as though they had never seen so much food in their lives and started messily eating. Hermione and Ginny looked disgusted whereas I chuckled.

'OH MY GOD ITS HARRY FREAKIN' POTTER' A girl with sleek auburn hair exclaimed he assumed she was a muggle-born she continued 'HE'S THE GUY ON THE CHOCOLATE CARD'. Malfoy sniggered and I mumbled 'Now its my time to get embarrassed' Ginny chuckled Ron spat out his food and Hermione held her mouth trying not to burst out laughing. The girl said 'Please can you sign my chocolate card' Harry wondered why hadn't she seen him before. Before I could ask McGongall said 'Ah as you see we have some new first years who have discovered their magical abilities a bit late' and gave a weak smile and strode off.

Ron burst out laughing 'Harry that was embarrassing although it Serves you right Saviour Of The Wizarding World' Hermione also laughed loudly dragging even more attention to them. James exclaimed 'Everyone knows you Harry and the fact that people want you to sign their chocolate cards is funny, I pity you' He said sarcastically and nudged him in the elbow with that I went upstairs to my dormitory to go to sleep feeling drowsy and irritated from recent events. Even Dumbledore didn't get this much attention her thought to himself grimly.

He thought to himself imagine going to 1977 that would be fun and drifted of to sleep with The Daily Prophet on his face and for the the first time.

Hey guys I know this is a horrible chapter but I needed a filler so I'm sorry there if you feel that there has been no effort put into this please vote.


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