A Very Merry Christmas

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Harry had come to collect us and with a crack we had apparated. It was almost Christmas Eve and I needed to get Harry and James a gift so I got Harry a new Snowy owl in honour of Hedwig and got James a watch which was made of platinum and was encrusted with James Potter inside I also got the others gifts as well. Since Sirius and Remus were staying at number 12 Grimmauld place Sirius' ancestral home I didn't see them all holiday and thought of visiting them. I couldn't wait me and James were camping out in a magical tent and it was magnificent and from the inside and was rather large Harry had told me he visited my sister and she felt somewhat remorse for her hideous actions towards him and she had also divorced the pig Vernon Dursley.

Christmas Day


'Harry,Harry,Harrryyy wake upp!' I exclaimed it was Christmas Day I was sooo exited for my gift and was bursting to give Harry his I got him a photo album of us throughout the years and a Hamper full of Weasley's Wizard Wheezes products which thankfully George lent me I got most of the new Defence Against The Dark Arts products and Puking Pastils and other sweets.Harry finally woke up after what seemed hours of thinking.

'About time' I said. Harry asked whilst yawning 'How long have you been awake babe?' I huffed 'Long enough to watch the sun rise and hear the clinking of pots and pans downstairs --' He cut me off and gave me a 'shut up' kiss I snarled sarcastically 'What a nice way to say shut up' and jumped on to him. Suddenly, Ron came in and shouted 'GET OFF MY SISTER YOU IDIOT'. Harry's face turned pale and Ron started Firing spells and Harry kept blocking them then they started a duel again. I swear this already happened once not again suddenly everyone came up and started watching their mouths open in shock gaping at Ron and Harry.

'Rictusempra' Bellowed Ron

'Protego' Shouted Harry.

'AWW HOW SAD CAN POTTY WOTTY ONLY BLOCK SPELLS' He snarled and gave an evil glare at him.

Harry was bubbling up with anger and was infuriated 'Babe' I whispered 'Babe,stop' Harry ignored me.

'INCARCEROUS,SLUGULUS ERUCTO' Harry said after what had seemed ages and Ron was wrapped in ropes and was vomiting slugs.Harry gave an evil laugh indicating that Ron deserved what he did.Mum frowned 'Harry dear what happened.' Harry softly said 'Ron can't accept the fact that me and Gin are together'. I said 'Ron get out it's nasty seeing you vomit slugs you know its not pleasant and quit trying to win a duel against Harry, You know you'll Never win' Ron shot daggers at me and Harry and went to the sink. Hermione said 'You have to stop duelling him Ron you don't stand a chance' and left.

Harry's mum and dad missed out on all the action and when they saw Ron vomitting slugs James thought it was funny whereas Lily said 'Are you ok?' Ron nodded and stuffed his head back in the sink.


Finally it was time for the gifts and as tradition it went from youngest to oldest.

Ginny- Promise Rings (Harry), New Broom servicing kit (Hermione and Ron),Nimbus 2001(Molly and Arthur), Holywood Harpies Tickets (Lily and James), Wealsey's wizard Wheezes Hamper (George),Harry Potter action Figure (Remus and Sirius) (A/N: They thought it was funny).

Harry- Photo album and Hamper of Wealsey's Wizard Wheezes (Ginny),Snowy Owl (Mum), Watch(dad), More Wealsey's Wizard Wheezes Products (George), Cake and Bakery treats (Molly and Arthur), New dress robes (Hermione), New sneakoscope (Ron), Honeydukes Hamper (Sirius and Remus)

Ron- Firebolt (Harry), Matching Lockets (Hermione), New robes (Molly and Arthur), New Rat (Lily and James),Weasley's Wizard Wheezes Products (George),Photo album (Ginny), Bakery Hamper (Sirius and Remus)

Hermione- New Books from Flourish and Blotts (Harry and Ginny), Bracelets (Ron),Hogwarts a History New Edition including the Second Wizarding War (Molly and Arthur), More Books,Clothing (Lily and James), Prank Rings (Sirius),Books (Remus).

George- Nimbus 2001 (Molly and Arthur), New Merchandise Zonko's (Harry and Ginny), New Owl (Lily,James,Remus and Sirius),New Broom servicing kit (Ron and Hermione),.

Lily- Ruby Rhinestone Pendant (Harry and Ginny), Rose Gold Muggle Watch (James), Charm Bracelet (Sirius),Photo album (Arthur and Molly),Books, Pygmy Puff (Hermione and Ron).

James- Weasley's Wizard Wheezes Products (Weasleys), Diamond encrusted Watch (Lily), Sneakoscope (Hermione), Gold Plate encrusted with lily and James (Harry and Ginny)

Arthur- Remote Control Car (Harry and Ginny), Remote Control toy Helicopter (Hermione and Ron), Muggle Books (Lily and James), Muggle Magic Tricks (George)

Molly- Flourish and Blotts Recipe Books (Weasleys), Knitting Yarn and New Sticks with A Sewing Machine (Potters and Hermione)

Remus - Flourish and Blotts Books (Harry and Weasleys), Instant scar remover (George and Hermione),Weasley's Wizard Wheezes Products Hamper.

Sirius- Zonko's and Weasley's Wizard Wheezes Products Massive Hamper (Everyone)


Hey Guys Im Hopefully Going to update today if not then tomorrow


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