The Real Truth

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Panting, I dashed to the common room and went to my friends. I told them and showed them the map. I was going to confront them I though to myself with a smile creeping up my face. Ginny said ' What's so funny babe' and gave me a peck on the lips' I said 'I can't wait to confront them I'll pop some veritaserum in their drink tomorrow or even today I can't wait' Gin said with her radiant, bright smile ' Don't do anything wrong' and left

Ron said 'Bloody Hell Harry are you sure their your parents' Hermione nodded in agreement.

I replied ' Dunno but some veritaserum in their drinks tomorrow and I'll find out'


Thud!! 'What was that?!' lils said. Moony said ' Don't know but I've been researching look' and he pulled out a bunch of books/papers all about our son Lily weeped 'Poor boy I feel so bad we're dead and he gets raised by my abusive sister' 

Sirius said ' Why didn't I raise him?' 

Remus showed him and old newspaper ' Look it says you were on You Know Who's side' he continued 'however it was actually Wormtail and currently were all dead'

I said ' Poor boy I'm telling him there truth' and trudged away searching for Harry.Lils came after me and said ' NO you can't Hon' .

I said 'Why not he deserves to know' and left Lily in shock.

There in the common room Harry gave me Butterbeer and I drank it. Then he asked me my full name and I replied 'James Fleamont Potter' There he stood shocked in tears and gave me a hug I just realised he had given me veritaserum. After moments of waiting, Lily bursted in shouting 'YOU TOLD HIM DIDN'T YOU PROFESSOR MCGONGALL IS GOING TO BE ANGRY, VERY ANGRY!.....'. I went up to her and gave her a Tender, soft kiss it was a shut up kiss and told her 'He gave me veritaserum' she nodded and went up to Harry who was still in shock and gave him a kiss on the head he hugged her tightly and then went to his Girlfriend to share the news.

Hey guys Please vote if you like it and if you have any ideas share them I need them cause I don't want to have a writers block but thanks for reading 

Cya!! ( A/N am I the only one that thinks this is strange)

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