The Prophet

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As the rays of daylight came through I awoke and set off for the great hall with Padfoot,Moony,Ron and Harry. There I saw my LilyFlower.

'Hey Lils' I said

'Hey babe, Oh look it's the Prophet newspaper I ordered' She replied

'Its about time I need to know what's going on' I said whilst opening it up.


Finally  Harry Potter has revealed what he has been doing for the past year and his life at Hogwarts.

Harry's first year was traumatic despite becoming the youngest quidditch player in a century he faced Voldemort who was trying to get the elixir of life all at the astonishing age of 11.

In his second year he faced a basilisk that tried to kill him and rescued a girl who's identity is unknown.

In his third year Sirius Black was after him but this was a misconception he was trying to kill Peter Pettigrew.

In his fourth year he was put in the Triwizard tournament and dueled Voldemort resulting in a seventeen year old Cedric Diggory's death.

In his fifth year, he broke in to the department of mysteries and broke his own prophecy resulting in the death of his godfather Sirius Black.

In his sixth year, he and Dumbledore went on a mission which details haven't been shared he also witnessed the beloved headmasters death who was killed by none other than Serverus Snape ,a former death eater, however Dumbledore had ordered Snape to kill him

He didn't attend his seventh year instead he was on the run and needed to find horcruxes (objects that store your soul made by murdering people) they got caught by Fenir Greyback and that resulted in the former Malfoy house elf Dobby's death'His death struck me' Harry had said that they had also broken into Gringotts stole something from the Lestranges vault and escaped on a dragon.Unexpectedly Harry was also a horcrux so he went into the Forbidden Forest to turn himself in that's where he survived the killing curse the second time resulting in a lightning bolt scar across his chest.Then he defeated Voldemort in the Battle of Hogwarts with an unknown curse.

'Oh my' Lilyflower said. Me,Sirius and Remus nodded in agreement shocked of what we found out.

Hermione on of his best friend's said 'Don't be surprised that's only a brief description as to what he's been through' 

Ron shouted with his mouth full 'Blimey Harry how'd they find that out' Harry simply shrugged and Hermione frowned because she was trying to teach him table manners.Remus had been unusually quiet he was reading a biography on Harry's life 

'Moony come the ceremony's about to begin' I said and we trudged off. After all the awards for service of the school we left Harry had received three. 'Lucky!!' Padfoot exclaimed. Harry left I thought of following him so I took my invisibility cloak and followed him.He went to Honeydukes through a secret passage and got a sweet hamper for his girlfriend apparently it was going to be their 1 year anniversary also he went to a jewellery shot and bought a beautiful pendant  with an heart shaped emerald inside it was breath-taking.

(this is the necklace)

Then I accidentally knocked something over whilst getting the secret passage and Harry pulled the cloak off me

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Then I accidentally knocked something over whilst getting the secret passage and Harry pulled the cloak off me.

'You!' He said 'Why did you follow me?' I shrugged my shoulders but Harry he gave that smile that Lily gives me and continued ' No worries pal I bought firewhisky for a game of truth/dare' and he left off for the common room. I told Lils,Padfoot and Moony but all they did was sit there listening.Then Padfoot said'Tomorrow's Hogsmeade guys' and that's where I thought of taking Lily on a date and of course she said yes. Then we went to the Room of Requirement so we could  play truth/dare. 

Hey guys any suggestions I know there not hanging out with Harry a lot but I promise they will and do you think I should make a new book Hinny After The War/Secret Love Hinny where they're secretly dating in Harry's fifth year ?


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