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Lily and Remus were in the common room chatting about the start of terms and prefects most of it was empty except for a couple of 5th years who just got up to leave.Suddenly James and Sirius came bursting through the portrait hole.

"Look what we found!" said James with a smirk.Sirius was following with a similar smirk both looking undoubtedly happy.Lily and Remus knew that smirk and knew that they were up to no good. Lily cause something glistening in James hand. "Where's little Wormtail?" he exclaimed. Remus said"He's in detention with Slughorn catching up on some overdue homework.' James pouted "Oh well too bad, anyways look at this." 

James opened his fists with a gold necklace in between it was an hourglass. It looked truly magnificent Lily and Remus realised that it was a time turner.

"Potter How did you get that!" Lily muttered.

"Dunno me 'n Padfoot found it layin round in round the Black lake."

"Wanna try it?" James said whilst giving one of his signature Potter smirks.

"Why not?" Said Remus and Sirius

"NO!" Lily shrieked 

"Why not Lilyflower seems fun anyways what could go wrong?" James chuckled

Lily came forward snatched it and ran. James followed " give that back Lilyflower!" he panted.

Crack!! Suddenly with a whizz they were in Dumbledore's office. "What a pleasant surprise Minnie!" He exclaimed. There stood Professor McGongall near the pensieve.

'In all my years I never expected to see you again I thought Dumbledore was speaking nonsense!' she said whilst wiping a tear. There they all stood there in awkward silence finally Remus spoke. ' What year are we in Professor?'. McGongall replied '1998'

' We're 19 years in the future?!' James questioned happily 'That means we get to see our kids' 

McGongall replied in an odd manner  'Yes, just don't trouble them especially yours and Lily's James' .James nodded seeing how serious his Minnie was

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Hey guys its my first Fanfict no hate please vote Hope you enjoy 

Hopefully I'll put more Jily.


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