My Celebrity Son

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James felt sick.

'Now if you'll excuse me I'll have to change your appearances and  names' Mcgongall sternly said indicating that she was stressed. I asked 'Minnie are we using polyjuice potion?' she replied 'Never last time that resulted in someone's death' Lily was flabbergasted.

Seeing her mood no questions were asked. 

Lily was Elliot Parker and her hair was now a Light Golden Brown instead of that Fiery Red and her Exotic Eyes were now a Deep Sea Blue.

James was Jacob Smith and his hair was now a Bleek Blonde and his Glasses were Squared.

Sirius was Sean William his hair was made Shorter and was now a Gingery colour with Freckles on his face

Remus was Randy Miller and his scars were covered up and he now had Bright Red Hair.

' Ok you'll all have to say your transfers from Ilvermony so no one gets suspicious is that all ok ?' Mcgongall said.

'Yes Professor' They all chorused bored and tired

'Good now run along. Oh and call Mr Potter I need to speak to him.'

'You mean my son' James exclaimed 'why?'

Mcgongall chuckled  'Its cause he's famous and has some jobs no questions i'm sure some students will lend you the prophet if your eager to find out or read Voldemort's defeat'

James and the others nodded.They left and bumped into a Carbon copy of James but he had Lily's eyes and heavy eyebags . He guessed this was his son 'McGongall said you need to speak to her about--' James trailed off . Harry squinted his eyes 'You look new' he said.

'Of course you may already know me' Harry chuckled 'I'm Harry,Harry P-Potter'

James fainted..


I was feeling dizzy 'Here have a chocolate frog' My son said. I opened it up and...  And You'll never believe what I found. A card with Harry on it.  It Stated 

Harry Potter known for defeating Lord Voldemort in the Battle of Hogwarts/The second Wizarding War along with his friends Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger.Order of Merlin, First Class also known to have survived the Killing Curse (avada kedavra) Twice and has encountered Voldemort on numerous different occasions/years during his years at Hogwarts.

'Look it's you' I said to him.

'Oh great another one' He grunted

'I thought you should be happy, your famous ' I said to him

'Not really being famous means getting swarmed by reporters and a bunch of books being made about you...not something you'd want in your everyday life?'  He continued. I was speechless I simply shrugged instead I was eager to tell my LilyFlower about my discovery along with Moony and Prongs.After Madam Pomfrey let me go I dashed up to the common room carefully trying not to drag so much attention.

'Hey' I panted after receiving my card and running up what seemed about a hundred flight of stairs. 'What?' Lily and the others chorused together. I showed them my exceptional discovery showing that our son was an all time legend.

'No way Padfoot your son is a legend!' exclaimed Sirius. After I told him that Harry didnt like the the fame Padfoot said .' That's why he's so depressed/irritated '

I hadn't really done anything today after passing out I wonder if the others did. I really want to pull a prank on Slughorn or Flitwick whatever I did I'd be sure It'd be hilarious.

Hey guys Thanks for reading Please give any suggestions you'd like to see in this fanfict.

Other than that Goodbye :)

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