Game Developer [11.15]

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Xi Guangshan remained silent and closed his eyes tightly, as if he was sleeping.

"...I'm not cursing you, Dad. I just don't want him to divide the family property." Xi Rui was worried that Xi Guangshan would think he was cursing him for what he just said, so he explained. "I think that Xi Le lacks filial piety toward his father. He not only works for other companies but also fights against his own family. He is unworthy of the Xi family's wealth. It is said that the Xi family's old mansion can only be inherited by the eldest son, but I don't think Xi Le is fit to inherit it. Dad also said that I will inherit it. So... in order to avoid future arguments with Xi Le, it's best to transfer the mansion to my name now. What do you think, Dad?"

Finally, Xi Guangshan opened his eyes slowly. He looked at Xi Rui and said, "Peel an apple for me."

"Huh?" Xi Rui was taken aback, surprised at Xi Guangshan's abrupt response.

"Apple, peel it." Xi Guangshan said it again.

"How is he going to cut fruit? Don't you know that if he took a knife, he'd cut his hands?" Wen Zhu said, "I'll cut an apple for you if you want to eat it. You two may continue to talk."

"Cut it for me, Xi Rui." Xi Guangshan's tone is firm.

Wen Zhu gave Xi Guangshan a disapproving look. He was unwell, she thought, and he wanted to experience the feeling of being served by his son. It is common for sick people to become depressed; Wen Zhu can only do what he wants right now. "Then, Xi Rui, peel an apple for your father; just be careful not to cut your hand again."

"Oh, okay." Xi Rui took the apple from the fruit basket and began peeling it carefully.

"Guangshan," said Wen Zhu. "What Xiao Rui said makes sense. In the future, the Xi family's business will be passed down to the children, it's only a matter of time. The child has matured and is capable. Simply give it to him now and the two of us will enjoy a life without a care for the world."

"Xi Le also brought up the old mansion when he came today." Xi Guangshan said this while looking at Xi Rui's hand.

"What?!" Because he was surprised, Xi Rui couldn't control his strength and cut his hands. "Ah!"

"What's the matter?" Wen Zhu was shocked by Xi Rui's cry and turned to see Xi Rui's bleeding fingers. She quickly used a tissue to help him and said distressingly, "Didn't I warn you to be careful? I'll get the nurse to disinfect and bandage you."

"No, it's fine. It's only a scratch." Xi Rui couldn't care about his finger and instead glanced nervously at Xi Guangshan. "Dad, did Xi Le really ask about the mansion? Did he demand that you hand it over to him? You didn't make any promises, did you?"

"Look at you, you silly boy." Wen Zhu said, "How could your father transfer the mansion to Xi Le? Your father would not be upset and hospitalized if that was the case."

"Is that true, Dad?" Xi Rui insisted on hearing it from Xi Guangshan directly.

"I didn't promise him." Xi Guangshan said, "You go back first. I'm exhausted and want to rest alone. With the caregiver here, you don't have to stay."

"Then, the mansion..." Xi Rui also wanted assurance and a clear answer.

"When I go home, we'll talk about it." Xi Guangshan said with his eyes closed.

"Let's get going; your father is exhausted. Don't disturb him any longer. Let's wait until he's rested before we speak." Wen Zhu rose up and pushed Xi Rui gently.

"Then, Dad, get some rest. We'll return first." Xi Rui stood up as well.

Xi Guangshan nodded with closed eyes.

Xi Guangshan opened his eyes and sat up after Xi Rui and Wen Zhu had gone. He bent down and picked up the tissue Xi Rui had used to stop the bleeding from the trash can beside the bed, holding it tightly in his hand.

"Today, Dad seems strange." While driving, Xi Rui spoke to Wen Zhu.

"It's probably because Xi Le asked about the mansion. He became like that because he was so angry. Your father hates that mother and son so much. He has no intention of leaving the old house to Xi Le." Wen Zhu said "So he won't give it to anyone else but you. Your father will talk with you after he is discharged. He's always been partial to you and will undoubtedly agree."

"How about when we obtain the mansion?" Xi Rui asked Wen Zhu, "Are you divorcing my dad?"

Wen Zhu said, "I've known him for quite some time. Although he is not your real father and his parents had caused me a lot of trouble, he is very good to us. What can we do if we split up? Is it still possible for me to be with your biological father? Your father cannot divorced me. As long as he does not know that you are not his son, he will forgive you no matter what you do."

Before Wen Zhu married Xi Guangshan, Xi Rui was aware that his biological father was not Xi Guangshan, but Cao Rutang. Even though he knew Xi Guangshan was not his real dad, his obsession with Xi Le drove him to compete with him, and he couldn't easily give up the Xi family's fortune.

Xi Rui also felt that Xi Guangshan treated him so well because he didn't know that he was not his son. He has been really good to him over the years, and he has done everything a parent should do for his child. So, it's better to keep the truth hidden for as long as possible, never revealing it; it's best for them.

Xi Guangshan could have been discharged the next day, but he stayed for two more days to await the paternity test results. Wen Zhu and Xi Rui remained unconcerned or suspicious.

His fingers trembled as he held the paternity test report, as if these two thin papers were too heavy to bear. He opened the report with much difficulty after necessary mental preparations and checked the reality with his own eyes.

When Xi Guangshan saw the report, he went dark and knelt on the ground. He wanted to scream but couldn't because of the pain in his heart, so he could only cry.

As expected, Xi Rui was not his own son. Xi Guangshan felt as if he had been struck by lightning, and he had suffered an enormous mental blow. Thousands of emotions flooded his heart, and the sorrow made him unable to accept this reality at all.

Even if he was mentally prepared, and although unlikely, he still hoped for that small chance. But as the final ray of hope was gone, he truly understood what despair, heartache, and regret is.

When Xi Guangshan thought about his past, he felt he had done things that were both foolish and tragic. He had not only assisted others in raising sons, but also pushed his own son until his son never had him in his heart. This is retribution, the punishment that God gave him! He deserved it!

Xi Guangshan shrank on the floor, beating and hitting the floor with his head, but this self-harming was useless in relieving his frustration. He deeply regrets that he can't wait to die. But he was not reconciled; he had been fooled for so long that he could not simply forgive those who had deceived him. He wants to make those who lie to him and those who owe him pay the price!

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