Chapter 90

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All Characters and locations borrowed from Stephen King's "It" remain his property. I own only the character's I've created. 

Helpful Notes: 
"Speaking Aloud"
Subconscious Thoughts, not heard by others.
'Telepathic communication heard silently.'

A/N: This story involves VERY mature and sometimes disturbing situations. If you have any triggers I suggest perhaps trying another story.

Chapter Ninety

Today is the day it all ends.

Venus laid still in the bed she once shared with Oryk. Beside her, Phoenix slept soundly, every tiny breath a precious gift she wished she could bottle for all eternity. Phoenix's warm little chubby hand was wrapped snug around Venus' finger as she slept, blissfully unaware of her Mother's inner turmoil.

A time had once existed when Venus would have naively held out hope for a day like today, but Venus wasn't that woman anymore. She'd looked true evil in its face, and it had twisted her life into something dark and unnatural, and in doing so, it opened her eyes to the limits that evil would go to simply to make a point.

Was there a slim chance they wouldn't kill Phoenix? Yes, there was. They wanted her power, but they were also vindictive creatures. The fact that they had gotten what they wanted from Venus and Robert wasn't enough. The Destroyers had one last final point to drive home. To keep their breeder and their God in line, they needed to break them, to take all the fight out of them, and this is how they would do it: this tiny, precious, innocent little child. Once Phoenix was gone, Venus would be broken, just an empty shell for them to use in their efforts to breeding the perfect army.

Deep down, she knew she had only herself to blame... but really, who could have seen this coming? Still, that didn't change the fact that her choices made all this possible. If she'd never gone back to Robert, he would have been taken back to Lorgoranth alone. And I never would have seen him again.

That thought killed her inside. Even now, facing the horror she knew this day would inevitably bring, she couldn't imagine never seeing him again. Even a glimpse of him was better than nothing.

But, that was the lovesick side of her talking, wasn't it? Because the truth was she wasn't going to just sit back and let her child die. If they were going to kill Phoenix, they'd have to go through her first. She'd make sure of it, and that meant she most likely wouldn't live to see the sun rise tomorrow. If she was lucky enough to even lay eyes on Robert today, odds were that it would be her last. And truth be told, I'm not even sure he cares anymore. Why does my heart so foolishly hold onto hope when he made his feelings for me so clear?

A warm hand on her shoulder pulled her from her thoughts. Venus glanced over to see Oryk stood there quietly, his face solemn. He wasn't going to offend her by putting on a fake front and pretend everything was okay.

"I know you're upset, but will you please eat just a little? It's been days," he urged her as Trent stepped into the room as well.

Venus looked thoughtfully at them both, then turned back to Phoenix and snuggled her forehead to her little soft one, ginger hair mixing with her blonde.

"I can't," Venus barely choked out in a quivering whisper.

"Venus... I know things look bad right now, but this isn't over till it's over," Trent pointed out, stepping around to the other side of the bed. He sat on it and placed a hand on Phoenix's belly. He swallowed down the urge to cry with Venus, because they had to be strong for her, but inside it was killing him. He loved Phoenix as if she were his own. "I know you think Robert flipped, and as much shit as you've been through I don't blame you for believing it, but I just... I know better. Deep down, you do too... you're just scared."

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