Chapter 77

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A/N: TRIGGER WARNING! There is nonconsensual intimacy in this chapter, though it doesn't go into great detail. It's a dark chapter. You've been warned!

All Characters and locations borrowed from Stephen King's "It" remain his property. I own only the character's I've created.

Helpful Notes:
"Speaking Aloud"
Subconscious Thoughts, not heard by others.
'Telepathic communication heard silently.'

A/N: This story involves VERY mature and sometimes disturbing situations. If you have any triggers I suggest perhaps trying another story.

Chapter Seventy Seven

Oryk sat patiently on a comfortable caramel-colored couch, his hands clasped between his knees as Nyriss stalked back and forth across the livingroom of the home they'd commandeered a few nights ago.

Though the air around her was heated with anger, the melodic howling of the wind outside combined with the occasional crackling of the fire not far from his seat calmed him in a way he'd rarely experienced.

There's beauty and peace to be found in even the simplest things, if one is paying close enough attention. It all blends together so perfectly alongside the occasional blood-soaked feast, like a fine work of art.


His sister's shrill voice cut through the peaceful calm his surroundings had afforded him.

"My intended mate, the savage, bloodthirsty God of Destruction, Destroyer of Worlds, the one and only Lord Natyrok, bedding pitiful humans? And of all things, a male?!" she carried on, then stopped suddenly, staring at Oryk in bewildered revulsion. "Did you not see? He penetrated the male's anus!"

Oryk didn't know how to feign disgust, so he tried instead to stick to a nuetral expression. Thankfully his pants hid the subtle jump of his cock at the delicious reminder of what they'd witnessed earlier, but his mind wasn't content to stop there. The mouth-watering sight of Robert's human form thrusting into the submissive male beneath him, claiming him, owning him... it was all Oryk could think about.

He adjusted his hands so they rested over his rapidly hardening groin, hoping she wouldn't notice. "I saw, Nyriss. It was... quite shocking."

"Shocking? Is that all you have to say? It was DISGUSTING. I nearly threw up the human I devoured earlier!" She retched a bit, then turned and gazed into the blazing fireplace. Though she seemed to calm for a moment, it didn't last long. She suddenly screamed and kicked a nearby table, knocking it over and sending the decorative items on top crashing to the wood floor.

Oryk's jaw clenched as he eyed the now shattered silver-mounted blue opal vase that he'd specifically told her he loved the day before. He'd been planning on taking it home with him as a reminder of their trip there. That's a shame... it was such a lovely thing.

Nyriss fell silent then, breathing hard as she continued reliving the memories from earlier that night. "Then, if that wasn't bad enough... the way he looked at her." She gritted her teeth loudly. "The way he held her, as if she were so delicate, so fragile...." She snorted away her jealousy and turned to Oryk with a wicked grin. "You know what she is though, don't you?"

Oryk swallowed slowly and nodded. There was only one race of beings that looked like humans that could also heal on command. Even then, very few of them could heal others. In fact, the skill was almost unheard of even among their kind, "Yes. She's Venusian."

"Not just any Venusian. A powerful one." Nyriss eyes glowed blue with excitement for a moment. "They've been extinct for hundreds of thousands of years. I always disagreed with killing them off, remember?"

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