Chapter 63

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All Characters and locations borrowed from Stephen King's "It" remain his property. I own only the character's I've created.

Helpful Notes: 
"Speaking Aloud"
Subconscious Thoughts, not heard by others.
'Telepathic communication heard silently.'

A/N: This story involves VERY mature and sometimes disturbing situations. If you have any triggers I suggest perhaps trying another story.

Chapter Sixty Three

A few days later, a gentle knock at the front door jostled Venus from sleep. She wiped her eyes and realized she was laying on the couch downstairs in the living room. She grinned when she recalled Robert waking her a few hours prior. He'd led her downstairs to the kitchen where he'd surprised her with a lovely breakfast, then afterward he made love to her on the couch where she still laid.

The only downside had been him excusing himself following their lovemaking. He said he'd be gone a few hours and she knew what that meant.

She swallowed a lump in her throat at the knowledge he was off hunting his prey, but she was quick to remind herself that whomever he was hunting was no longer hurting innocents. Perhaps some might not agree, but Venus truly did believe that it was for the best. She loved knowing Pennywise was saving the lives of good people, especially innocent children.

The knock came again and she heard a soft voice call her name from the other side of the door. Venus quickly rose from the couch, tugging her loose-knit cardigan snug across her front as she padded barefoot over to the front door. Already, she recognized the voice and a smile crept onto her face.

She opened the door and there stood Bev like a breath of fresh air, despite the fact she was a solid reminder of the wounded relationship with her Father. That part tugged at her heartstrings, but with all she'd been through, it felt so good to see a friendly face.

"Venus." Bev greeted her with a warm smile. "How are you sweetie?"

"I'm doing better... so much better." Venus assured her, but felt the rise of emotions in her chest. By no means was Venus emotionally healed from all she'd been through, that would take time, but seeing Bev's sweet smile lit a warmth in her heart that she badly needed.

"You look better... I'm glad to see that. Do you mind if I come in for a moment?" Bev asked.

"Oh, sure! Would you like some coffee?" Venus asked as she led Bev inside.

"I'd love some, sweetie. Thank you." Bev replied as she followed her.

Bev was in shock at how lovely the house was. Of course, she'd come through the day they attempted to kill Pennywise, but she had been far too upset and disgusted with what they were doing to pay attention to decor.

Now she could see and appreciate just how stunning it was and she knew Pennywise had done this especially for Venus. It was so unexpectedly sweet. In her wildest dreams, she could never have imagined the evil being caring for anyone, let alone loving.

As she watched Venus prep the coffee, she took a seat on a cushy barstool and noticed the healthy glow in Venus' cheeks. She'd never seen her quite like this before.

"You look happy, Venus."

With her back now to Bev, Venus paused for a moment and blushed as her fingers wrapped around the coffee cup handles. She was all smiles as she turned to face Bev. "I am. I know things are kinda crazy, but somehow I just know I'm meant to be with Robert." She slowly slid the cup across the counter as she rested her hip against it a few feet from Bev.

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