He looked up at me and mumbled something under his breath. “I.s that the explanation I deserve or...”

He lets out a sigh. “Feel free to twist your way out of this shit as always” I said. He shot me a deadpanned look. “Why do you care so bad?”

“I got manhandled this morning!” I reminded him. “Right timing guys” We all looked up to see Emma walking to us with Chloe in hand.

“I'm so late, the guys are out. You guys could drop Chloe off at school” she nudged her to us. “Remember spelling bee” she reminded Chloe before walking out.

Carson pulled the door open for her and she got in. I sighed and got into the passengers seat, he got in too and we drove off.

“Okay, I have a problem” Chloe said, leaning on the seat. “You always got problems, Chloe” Carson said, swerving to the side.

“The spelling bee, the new kid, Johnson and the bitch... Molly” she said.

“I think spelling bees are cool” I spoke up. “No, someone signed me up for a stupid spelling bee and mom thinks I've outgrown my stupid age, I haven't!” she yelled.

“I've been in a spelling bee few times, it isn't that bad” I said. “Oh, I'm so surprised” she sarcastically said.

Carson chuckled. “Used think you are on my side”

“I am!”


I inputted my password and pulled my locker open, there was a note in there. Not this again.

“So, she does read” I turned around to meet those three bitches. “What do you want, Melissa?”I asked squashing the note tightly. “What's with the tone, Charlotte? I'm not here to fight”

“The note says otherwise”

“That's my way of welcome, I'm you've been prancing around with the Parker boys without paying heed to my warnings ”

I crossed my hands over my chest. “Do you ever get tired?” I asked and she chuckled. “Do you think you're that important? The fact you live with them doesn't classify you in the same league”

“You'll never, you are just another chick in their timeline. Do not feel special or any shit” She said, I refused to show emotions.

Her words did hurt but I knew she wanted more reaction from me. “No wonder daddy left” That stung and I stumbled back.

How dare she?

“Oh, did that push a button?” I shut my locker and walked out immediately. I can't stand there for another second, I didn't want to break down in front of her.

30 minutes later

I washed my hands slowly in the sink, looking up to the mirror, I had pulled my hair from the ponytail, so it covered my face lightly.

I heard the door open and slam close, I glanced back and it was Bianca. “There you are” she dropped her bag, noticing my countenance.

“What happened?"

“Nothing” I mumbled, turning off the running water. She pulled me, moving my hair from my face. “What happened, Charlotte?"

I shook my head and grabbed my bag from the floor. “It's nothing, Bianca”

“Then no one is leaving” she slammed the door close and I stared at her, she wasn't backing down. “I waited for you in the last class, you didn't show up. What happened?"

I sighed and pulled my hair.

“It's just...” I turned away from her. “I...I was thinking about him, my dad” she walked back to me. “Hey, it's okay” she pulled me to herself.

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