16. The Camp

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Why do all camp trips have to end with a treasure hunt?

And is it really a treasure hunt when you're just hunting for blue balls?

What's the point of collecting the highest number of balls only to receive a chocolate package as the prize?

Why does this treasure hunt has to be done with a partner?

Why do you have to be paired only through a draw?

And why does the treasure hunt have to be at night in the forest?

Why do I have so many questions swimming in my head when I know no one will answer me?

"Ellie Gerard and Tiger Sebarman," Mr. Henry shouts.

I drag my feet around the crowd of teens among the trees, looking for Seb.

I find him standing next to Raylan and Tony. The rest of their gang seem to have already left for the hunt.

Seb's eyes meet mine. I gesture him to come to me.

He shakes his head and gestures me to go to them.

I shake my head and gesture him to come to me.

He shakes his head and gestures me to go to them.

I shake my head and gesture him to come to me.

He shakes his head and gestures me to go to them.

My head feels woozy so I stop and start walking.

"We're going this way," Tony says.

Aren't we supposed to forage in pairs only? I look around and see that super groups have indeed been formed among others.

When I spot my friends I turn to Seb to tell him we're going with my friends, but he, Raylan and Tony are already halfway across.

When I turn back to my friends, their group has also disappeared into the forest.

I look at my own partner. He and his friends are at the cusp of the area of my vision.

I run after them.

Feeling like a fourth wheel in a tricycle, I walk behind them while they chat.

My boredom helps me spot the blue ball hanging by a branch. "Seb," I say and point at the ball. The boys come over. Seb takes the ball from the branch and gives it to Tony.

Tony pockets it, and they all start to walk.

I pull Seb behind by his hoodie cap. "Mind telling me what you just did?"

"What? Didn't you want me to pick up that ball?"

"Of course I did. So why did you give that to your boyfriend instead of me?"

"Does it matter who gets it?"

I pull his hoodie down farther. He bends forward. "I may not want to win this stupid game, but I sure as hell won't let them beat us, so get this into your thick head - we are partners. You and I. Not you and Tony or you and Raylan. Capeesh?"

He nods and I release him. He quickly runs to his friends.

Once again, bored, I keep an eye out for the "treasure."

I find another on a run down bench next to a tree. "Seb," I call out to him, and point at the bench.

This time Tony goes over and takes the ball. I glare at Seb. Seb shrugs. When Tony returns, I say to him, "Seb gave you ours before. Give this to me."

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