12. The Cleanse

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"Then how about we go there on Saturday?" reads Frank's message.

I smile at it for the twentieth time.

Although this might not be a date, I'm happy to get a chance to see him again.

I put back my phone into the pocket and enter my home. Raylan is in the living room.

I sigh. "What are you doing here?"

"My parents won't be back until late, and I'm leaving for practice," he says, getting up and pulling his jacket over his shoulders. "I've fed them already, but keep an eye on them," he says handing me his house key.

Right then Tony comes in through the front door. "You ready?" He says to Raylan.

Raylan and Tony leave.

After freshening up, I head to Raylan's house. Inside his room, the kittens have already created a mess, or maybe that's just how Raylan's room always is.

I start playing with Coffee, and then soon they all pretty much drop asleep. I'm amazed at how much they sleep in a day.

Bored, I look around the room. If my room was like this my mom would kick me in the butt. I guess boys don't get the same expectations as girls when it comes to keeping their rooms clean.

I see a pile of kitten toys at the corner. Raylan must've bought them recently. He probably just plays with the kittens whenever he's in here and doesn't tidy up.

I get up and roll up my sleeves. I go down to the kitchen and grab a trash bag and come back up.

Little by little, the floor and desk surfaces become decluttered. The laundry basket becomes full.

How many t-shirts he uses up in a day? But I suppose dragons do shed their skins often.

After the sheets are changed and the floor is vacuumed, I lie down on the bed, exhausted. Raylan should pay me for this.

Yawning, I close my eyes.

When I wake up, I decide to look at the window. I've a feeling it's night already. Is he not ba- ?!!!

My view to the window is blocked by a sleeping Raylan.

When did he come? And why is he sleeping here?

Hmmm, okay, it is his bed, so... I groggily get up and off the bed. When I see his things on the floor that I'd painstaking cleared just before I want to strangle him in his sleep.

Can't he just put things away when he's home like a civilized human?

The kittens are up meowing. Quietly I fill the bottles and start feeding them.

Habitually I check my messages. Frank has sent the photo of his dog lying on the floor upside down. I smile. I look down on my lap and see the drinking kitten.

I take a picture and send it to Frank. Soon I get a response.

"Cute. Your cat's?" Frank's message says.

"No. My dad is allergic to pets. I found the kittens at my school. They now live in my neighbor's place."

"That's very nice of your neighbors to take them."

I silently laugh and turn my head to look at the sleeping Raylan. Nice? Him? Pfft.

I look forward and type, "The neighbor's kid is my classmate. He owes me."

"What does he owe you for?"

I probably shouldn't confess my blackmailing tendencies to my boyfriend prospect. "I lend him my notes sometimes."

Which is true.

"You guys seem close. Is he a friend?" Frank's response reads.

"No way. He's annoying."

"But he lets you keep the kittens in his place?"

Could Frank be mistaking my relationship with Raylan? No, no. That's no good. I'm available to date. Frank has to know that.

"Like I said, he owes me. We are not friends," I send.

"Oh, well, if the kittens ever need a new place, I won't mind taking them," Frank's text reads.

I smile, biting my lower lip. That would be great though - I'll have more excuses to see him.

But... I turn around and see Raylan's sleeping face again. Raylan likes these kittens. No matter how much he denies so in front of me, I know he does. After the death of his dog, this is the first time he's with pets again.

Doesn't seem right I take that from him.

I start typing. "Sure. Thanks for the offer. For now they are good here though. Besides, won't your dog get mad at you for bringing in new pets?"

"He will be. Very much. But then he'll start playing with them, and taking care of them, and won't ever part with them."

"Lol. Such a generous dog you have."

"He takes after his master. So, yeah, it's no problem at all if you want to leave the kittens with me."

"This place is closer to my house. Makes it easier for me to see them."

"Yeah, of course," he replies.

Somehow the conversation has gone off into an odd direction.

"What time we're meeting on Saturday?" I send, hoping to dissipate the oddness.

"Is 10 o'clock okay for you?"

"10 is okay."

"We can then grab lunch at Derbie's. You like seafood? I love their lobsters."

I don't like seafood, but I don't want to tell him right off like this. "Sure. Lobsters sound good."

"Since when you like seafood?" Raylan's voice says.

Startled I turn around and see him awake, watching my phone.

"Hey! Don't you peek into my private conversation!"

"This is my room. I can watch wherever I want," he snaps back at me.

"Fine! I'll leave!" I say and get up. He's the one who told me to come over and watch the kittens and now he's annoyed by me. "By the way, you are welcome," I say, gesturing at the clean room.

I should've just let the place be a dump. If it wasn't for the kittens I wouldn't want to be here either.

End of chapter

PICS and IT DIDN'T HAPPENNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ