Part 1

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We drove up to the hospital and pulled into valet parking. A young gentleman opened my door and helped me out of the vehicle. I thanked him and turned around to see Marcus pass him his keys.

He stepped up to me and placed his hand on my lower back offering a reassuring smile,

"shall we?"

I nodded and we proceeded to the front entrance. The hospital main lobby was transformed into something magical. I always loved the hospitals main entrance area. It was a large space made to be inviting and less hospitaly. The main floor had a couple of small cafes, food vendors, and gift shops. To the left and right were stairs and glass elevators. Each floor, 5 in total, were visible upon entering, with glass railings and balconies overlooking the lobby. The walls were covered in viney plants with a small waterfall hidden within them.

I remembered when I first stepped into the hospital. I was mesmerized by the architecture. I spent the first few months eating lunch here, tucked away from the view of the public. I felt it was the calm before the storm and it gave me a sense of peace.

Today, spotlights were brightening up the plants and waterfall. Tables were set up throughout the space with silver table cloths and formal dinner wear. Everywhere you looked you could see people decked out to the nines. I stood still taking it all in before I was nudged to start moving. 

We were directed to our assigned seats, as Marcus was invited with a plus one, and waited for things to take off. Every few minutes someone would come up and try to talk to Marcus leading him to politely blow them off. I was approached a few times, as well, but felt as most were looking at me with curious or suspicious eyes. It seemed like everyone was whispering about me and I was starting to feel on edge. I pushed the thoughts out of my head and took in the comfort that things would change by the end of the night.

"Nervous?" Marcus reached over and grabbed my hand causing a few people to stare at us curiously.

"Not as nervous as I probably should be" I replied, trying to calm myself in the process.

"I probably didn't say this earlier, but you look beautiful Ana. Absolutely mesmerizing" he spoke softly. His words made my heart skip a beat and I couldn't stop my mind from wandering back to that night. 

"Thank you, you look very handsome as well" I smiled. As if he could read my mind, Marcus glared at me intensely, our gaze deepened until I felt a tightness in my lungs. He was about to say something when my attention was interrupted.

There she was.

The person I wanted to see more than anyone tonight with the man who broke my heart. I felt like throwing up but put on a brave expression. I wasn't going to show any weakness in front of anyone, especially them.

It didn't take long before her eyes landed on me and i was pleased to see how upset she seemed at my presence. It took all of a minute before she was standing in front of me.

"What the fuck are you doing here" she towered over me as I remained sitting. Before I could answer, Marcus interjected.

"She's my date. What does it matter to you" he arched his eyebrows questionably not giving anything away.

"She's a criminal" she scoffed and looked at him apologetically "I'm assuming you didn't know and I hate to be the one who breaks it to you, but your date committed fraud against innocent families and was arrested for it. I'm actually surprised she's here and not rotting away in some prison cell"

"Oh I'm not too worried about some silly rumours" Marcus responded, a loving smile appearing on his face, "I believe she's innocent and I will stand by her while she clears her name. I know that her and Cole are no longer in a relationship so I can make my feelings known to the world. I will always make sure she's taken care of. And if something as silly as these baseless accusations interrupt her success, in any way, I'll make sure she has my backing to forge a new path"

I could see a moment of shock pass on her face before she returned to looking annoyed. I knew Elise had an infatuation with Marcus that began years ago. Most females working in the medical field were quite aware of who he was and many wished to secure San Francisco's most eligible bachelor as their own.  She was no exception.  Knowing that she believed I got everything she ever wanted, Marcus thought it would be a nice touch to show her how irresistible I was. 

"You should return to your seat Elise, the show is about to start" I pointed to the stage as Sanders approached the microphone.  I could see her jaw clench as she reached back for Cole's hand. I smirked as she was greeted with an empty space. Coles job was to ensure she arrived at the venue and it seemed like he was done playing chauffeur. He was currently at the bar, looking miserable and ordering a drink.

She let out a hmph and took off after him. Minutes later you could see an argument erupt between the two followed by her pulling him to their seats.

As the lights dimmed the room became silent as Sanders began to speak.

"I would like to thank each and everyone one of you for coming. We had a great year and have done a lot of wonderful things for our community. None of which would be possible if not for your generosity. Today we are not only celebrating the hospital and it's doctors, but your contributions as well" he paused as a polite applause spread through the room, "we have put together a small presentation to start off the night."

With that, a large projection screen was lowered and the lights were dimmed. The crowd became silent as everyone's attention was now directed at the screen.

I took in a deep breath and held it as I saw the first slide appear on the screen.

There for everyone to see- were the Emails that were sent to the victims families from my account. A loud gasp echoed throughout the room and a very confused sanders stood frozen trying to figure out what was happening. 

As the clips continued, screenshots of text messages from Elise to Cole were displayed, showcasing their affair to all in attendance.  I looked over at Cole and saw his head drop in shame. Elise, on the other hand, sat still like a statue, confused and processing what she was seeing.

As the recording of Elise's earlier confession started playing over the speakers, you could see the confusion turn to sheer panic as she began frantically scanning the room trying to find the source.

She caught me watching her, and with a loud scream, came charging my way.

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