Help me help you

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"Phil, can you pull over by that woman" I asked my driver. He nodded, slowed down, and stopped the car right in front of Ana. 

I could see she was typing away on her phone visibly upset about something. She glanced up at the car and returned to what she was doing. I peeked inside her vehicle and saw the woman from earlier, sitting in the passenger seat, giving Ana the occasional worrying stare.

Seeing her made my stomach flutter. I wasn't sure how to proceed but I needed to find out what's wrong. I looked out the window and noticed she had 2 flat tires.

For the second time today I found myself sighing. I didn't think she would accept my help but I wasn't going to leave her stranded.

I gave myself a quick pep talk trying to get the courage to get out.

it's now or never Marcus!

I rolled down my window and tried to get her attention

"hey Ana, car troubles?" I attempted to look as cute as possible.

She glanced away from her phone and looked right at me. I could hear her let out a small gasp but I couldn't read her face. Within a second, she composed her self and answered "no, we're fine, you can go"

"Ana, cmon, clearly you need help" I pleaded,

"And why would you care about that Marcus? I think you've helped me enough for a lifetime" her eyes pierced right through me.  If looks could kill.....

I let myself out of the car and walked around to assess the damage. I was starting to get worried and wanted to remove her from this situation.

"All 4 tires are slashed Ana, this was deliberate"  I looked at her with concern. "I know you don't want to come with me, but I'm not giving you much of a choice"

Ana took a step back,

"How do I know that you're not the one responsible for this. Maybe you just love swooping In and playing the hero for the day" she stared at me challenging. 

I felt a tinge of irritation. Something about this was making the hairs on my neck stand up and I needed her to stop being stubborn and listen. I knew i was about to play dirty but decided to put an end to this argument.

"You left me no choice"  Ana lifted her eyebrow questionably as I opened the passenger door " hello ma'am, my name is Marcus, I'm one of Ana's friends. I believe that whoever did this to your daughters car could still be around and could be dangerous. With all that's been going on, I wouldn't want anything happening to either of you, so if you could please come with me" I gave her my warmest smile and held out my hand.

"Ana, I think he's right and we should go with him" her mom threw her an apologetic look and followed me into the car.

Defeated, she climbed in after her while still giving me a death glare. 

"Where to?" I asked.

"My house"

"You're kidding me right?" I looked at her in disbelief.  My insides felt like they were boiling over. I couldn't believe she would go back to cole. I gritted my teeth and waited for her to explain.

"No. Why would I be kidding? That's where I live Marcus. Where else would I be staying?" She answered me flatly.

"With cole?" I could barely contain my anger.

"What if I am?" She answered at the same time her mother stated "absolutely not!"

I narrowed my eyes and directed Phil to take us to Ana's house.

"So how's everything going?" I attempted at small talk but failed miserably when neither responded.  After 20 min of silence we arrived at her house.

"Well thanks" she reached for the handle,

"Wait.....Ana's mom...."

"Emilia" her mom filled in her name

"Emilia, could I have a moment alone with your daughter" I saw her scan her daughters face, and when Ana nodded, she stepped out.

"What do you want from me Marcus?" She looked impatient to get out,

"I wanted to apologize, for everything" I said, not knowing how to continue.

"Well that's great. Explains it all, doesn't it? I'm so so glad you told me you are sorry for EVERYTHING" she shouted the last word.

I could see the pain on her face. I wanted to reach out, grab and hold her. I wanted to look into her eyes and apologize over and over again until she believed how sorry I was.

"Ana, I made a mistake. I should have called you. Or at least messaged" I tried to take her hand but she pulled away, "the night that we shared, I loved every minute of it. I would do it again if you'd ever give me the chance. That morning after, I received a concerning call from a friend. She attempted to end her life. I went to the hospital and couldn't think of anything else. I was so scared that she would die." I prayed that she would see and hear my sincerity "then when I came back the next morning, you were gone. I wanted to know where you were, but Michael wouldn't tell me. He asked me to leave you alone, that whatever I did caused enough pain."

"One message Marcus, just one would have made a world of a difference" I could see tears falling down her cheeks, "when I felt the lowest that I've ever have, I gave myself to you. I knew the risks, I'm an adult. But I believed, for a second, that maybe you cared about me. But I also realized that I shouldn't have used you to make me feel whole. That was my mistake that I'll have to live with"

"It wasn't a mistake. None of it was" I suddenly became very tired, feeling the toll of everything at that moment "I like you, as messed up as everything is, I know I care. Seeing you right now just confirms how I feel. I'm not perfect but I hope you can forgive me"

Ana stared down at her lap while fiddling with the strap of her purse. I wanted her to say something, anything, to break the silence.

"I don't know," she finally answered.

"Well that's better then a no, so I'll take it" I said with a grin. Ana rolled her eyes and a small smile appeared on her face.

"Goodnight Marcus" she pulled on the handle and let her self out.

"Ana" I called after her. She turned around and waited for me to continue.

"Unblock my number" and with that we drove away.

Revenge on my cheating BoyfriendHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin