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Marcus POV

"Marcus.....Marcus..." I felt someone tugging on my coat sleeve.

"Wake up"

I opened my eyes and attempted to focus on my surroundings. I was initially confused until I saw Kate laying on the hospital bed holding my hand.  The events of yesterday flooding my mind.

"Hi" she smiled meekly.  My heart felt 1000 different emotions. Worry. Anger. Hurt.

"What the hell happened last night Kate?" I looked down at her hand and suddenly had the urge to remove mine. I thought against it as I didn't want to upset her.

Kate sniffled and closed her eyes.

"I'm sorry. I am. I was just so sad and felt so alone.  I really thought that we had something. I thought that you cared about me. And in one day you find someone else and let her live with you.......Then you left me at the bar that night. I was so high and so scared and you just left me."  She wiped her tears and looked at me waiting for an explanation.

When I didn't say anything she continued.

"When I woke up and the pain just got worse. I tried to talk to you...I did....but you ignored me and didn't return my calls.  I thought I lost you"

"What did you do Kate?" I held her gaze wanting the full truth.

"I took my sleeping pills.  All of them" she brought up her hands to her face and began to sob.

I had no idea what to say to her. Should I tell her I was sorry. That I regret it? I didn't know what the right thing was.

"Kate. I'm sorry that I shut you out. I know I was an asshole. You deserved more than what I gave you" a small smile appeared on her face. I continued.

"I'm going to get you help. Whatever it takes to make you better and whole again. I don't want to ever see you like this again. I will do everything in my power to prevent that from happening.....But Kate.... No man should have that power over you. You are a strong intelligent woman who has so much to offer the world. I'm not worth your life. No one is"

"You are Marcus. You are my everything" she reached out for my hand.  I gave her a flat smile and took it.

"Kate. I don't understand what you are going through. It would be ignorant for me to say I did. But you need to live for yourself and you will need help that I'm not equipped to offer you, but I will find you someone that is. The best there is."

"What are you saying" I could feel her nails digging into my skin. I tried to pull my hand away but she held on tighter.

"Kate. I can't give you what you want but I can be your friend.  I can offer support but I cannot be with understand don't you?" I saw the pained look on her face and felt like the worlds biggest piece of shit.

"Get out. GET OUT. GET OUT" Kate screamed at me before she started throwing whatever was near her in my direction. 

The nurses, who heard the commotion, ran in and tried to calm her as she screamed at me. I felt the glares from them as they sedated her and asked me to step into the hallway.

I waited for the doctor to come around and pulled him aside after he examined her.

"What will happen to her right now?" I glanced back at Kate sleeping and returned my focus on the doctor.

"She's still agitated and we cannot release her. She will have to be formed for the time being and we will see that she gets the help she needs" he tried to sound comforting.

"This is my card. I will leave my financial information with the receptionist. Whatever she needs, please give it to her" he took the card and read it, recognizing my name immediately.

He started to say something then thought better of it, nodded his head, and left.

I took one last look at Kate and approached the nurses station.   I asked for a pen and paper and wrote her a note.

"Dear Kate,  I know I've disappointed you and hurt you. I will make it up to you and be the friend I should have been from the start. I will always care for you and will be there to help you whether you want me there or not.

Take care and we will talk soon. I'm not going to push you to talk to me until you're ready. Please know that you are an amazing woman.

Love Marcus"

I left the note on the table beside her bed and walked out of the hospital.  I knew what I had to do now.

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