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It took me a moment to realize that there was a third person present in the room with us before before i saw Kate, and her signature red hair, standing by the front door scowling at me and Ana.

You could see her eyes shift back and forth between us as she tried to understand the scene that was unfolding before her.

Kate's beautiful face twisted to anger as the confusion settled into understanding. She took a moment to compose herself, her eyes flickering with rage before she finally spoke,

"So, you're Marcus's new whore? How lovely to meet you"

Ana's POV

I could barely control my laughter after my little mishap.  It was embarrassing but exactly what I needed as I didn't remember the last time I laughed so hard. As I wiped away my tears from laughter, I saw a beautiful redhead enter through the front door.

The woman glared In my direction and I immediately felt a chill go down my spine. Never had I seen anyone look so angry, and more so, I never had someone look at me with so much anger.

I began to panic as actual shame flooded over me.

I was so stupid.

I never asked Marcus if he had a girlfriend. I always assumed he was single since I never saw him with anyone.

I felt disgusted with myself. 

How could I have been so inconsiderate and put someone through the same situation that I was in last night. I understood why she would be so Hurt and angry.

Before I could get the "it's not what it looks like" sentence out of my mouth, she asked me and I quote "If I was his new whore?"

I decided to bite my tongue since I felt guilty and at fault, but that bitch better calm down. I didn't appreciate being called a whore, especially since I didn't do anything to deserve that title.

I looked over at Marcus, made the most apologetic face I could conjure, and whispered "I'm sorry". He shrugged his shoulders while giving me a half smile. Moving in silence, Marcus walked up to the redhead and spoke in a loud whisper.

"You come into my house, uninvited, and let yourself in without permission. You then insult my guest, and stand there looking like you're expecting someone to apologize to you like you've been wronged"

The redhead's face softened, but the blazing fire never left her eyes. "I wanted to come over and apologize for earlier, but I now understand why you threw me away like trash, I guess you found something new to play with"

Marcus took another step towards "red" and replied "No. I didn't find someone new, I just know that when the trash starts to smell, it's time to take it out. You have 5 seconds to leave my house and never come back"

Red stood there for a few seconds before she threw the last few daggers in my direction and stormed off. As she exited she slammed the door behind her.

We both stood there, in awkward silence and the guilt washed over me again. I had no idea what to say but I spoke first "Marcus, I'm sorry. I'm not sure what that was all about, but I'm not dumb and can see that it's my fault, I took up enough of your time, maybe I should go" before I could finish the sentence, Marcus interrupted me.

"No Ana stay. I should be the one apologizing. She should have never called you a whore. Kate had no right. I think you're assuming a lot of things but I can assure you most of your assumptions are probably wrong"

Ahhh her name is Kate. I think I'll stick with calling her red.

"So she's not your girlfriend who just came home to find her man with another woman?"

He winced at that comment. I wasn't sure if it was because that's exactly what happened. Or because I was visibly starting to get upset.

"No, Kate is not my girlfriend. Nor was she ever. She was someone who wanted more from me than I could ever give her. But I promise you I never led her  on or gave her hope that there would ever be more to us"

I suddenly felt sick to my stomach and ran to the bathroom. When I was done, most of my breakfast had come back up and the delicious bacon became a distant memory. I groaned and, after what seemed like an eternity, pulled myself off the floor and into the soft bed. The door to the room was still open and I couldn't see or hear Marcus in the apartment. I decided it would be best to close my eyes and wasn't shocked when sleep came over me quickly.

When I woke up, my clothes were neatly draped over the accent chair and, On the bedside table, A toothbrush, toothpaste, floss and face wash were left with a note.

"I hope you had a good nap and I'm sorry you got sick. I just want to remind you that you drank like a frat boy, so don't be blaming your vomiting on my delicious breakfast. I'm in the study making little to no noise, so find me when you get up. Oh and I plugged in your phone, Marcus"

I leaned over to grab my phone and checked the display.

I had 11 missed calls and 23 messages.

I opened them up and saw that they belonged to 4 different parties.

1. Cole
2. My mom
3. Elise
4. Work


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