The two

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Coles POV

I drove to a hotel about 10 minutes down the road from my house. I wanted to be close by incase Ana needed me. She was adamant that I leave, but I wasn't convinced that she would be safe and I wasn't sure what Elise would do if she showed up.

I couldn't believe how everything took a turn for the worse. Elise wasn't the same person anymore. She wasn't the person who Ana introduced to me years ago. She turned into something unrecognizable and I played a part in it.

Her anger and drive to take Ana down clouded any display of normal behaviour. I went to the house after work and saw her rummaging through all of our stuff. All our memories.

She would occasionally ask the significance of an item before she would smash it onto the floor.  I felt a piece of me shatter with every item she broke. How would I ever fix this?

As soon as I checked in I went for the mini bar. I would feel this tomorrow but needed this tonight. I poured myself the first drink, of many, and laid down on the bed.

I opened my email, for the 1000th time today, hoping I would get a response from Ana's boss sanders.

And there it was.

Holy shit.

I sat up and shakily opening the message.

"Thank you for reaching out to me Mr. Andrews. I'm not sure if this is some prank or if you're trying to save your girlfriend from serious trouble, but I am willing to listen. I've had other interesting conversations regarding this topic, in the past 24 hours, and am willing to see how it plays out.

I will be in touch soon,

Best regards


It wasn't much.  But it was a start to right a few wrongs. I happily poured myself another drink and dreamed of the outcome. Ana would be ok. She would forgive me after this was all done, and most importantly, I was never going to fuck up again.

Marcus POV

I sat in front of my home office computer and tried to get some work done. Every time I went to read or type something my mind would fog up. I couldn't get Michaels words out of my mind.

I wanted to see her. I wanted to know she was ok. I just wanted to see her smile.

I chose not to look for her, in part because I've never seen Michael be as serious as he was earlier, and part because I couldn't face her. I didn't know what I would say to her that would make the situation better. I considered what she must have thought.

That I didn't care. That I got what I wanted and threw her aside. The truth was much different. It took the realization that she wanted nothing more to do with me to accept my feelings.

I was always drawn to her brain, her beauty, her sense of humour, and her kindness. I recalled the first time I met her at the companies Christmas party. I was mesmerized by her in every way. It was only when cole joined us mid conversation, and introduced her as his girlfriend, that I snapped out of it and distanced myself.

I was always friendly, but never too close. There were many times that I would compare women to Ana. Nothing drawn out or long, but a fleeting comparison.  "Not as smart as that one girl that comes to my parties, not as successful, not as funny, not as pretty". These were thoughts that passed through my mind many times. I assumed she just set a standard for the type of woman I would settle down with, I just never accepted she was actually the one I wanted in the end.

Frustrated I got up and paced around my room. I needed to clear my head.

Without a second thought I grabbed my jacket and left my apartment.  I didn't know where I would end up but I needed to get out before I drove myself crazy. This is what she did. She made me lose my mind.

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