Flight Risk (3/4)

Start from the beginning

"I'm scared you won't want me anymore when you don't have to chase me, that it's only been the determination of winning keeping you with me. Hangman doesn't chase girls, they fall at his feet." I admit sheepishly.

Both of his hands, calloused from working on his plane, gently hold both sides of my face and mine rest on his wrists. The way this big, strong man could have such a tender touch has always short circuited my brain. "Teenaged me would punch me in the dick for this, but I haven't even looked at another girl since I met you. Because that's all they are to me, girls. One night only, a means to an end. P'll call you a liar if you ever repeat it, but I didn't realize what I missing until you. You think I can fuck you within an inch of your life based on chemistry alone? Hell no! I couldn't do that with just anybody."

My eyes well with tears and his thumbs swipe them off my cheeks as they slip out. "Nobody would believe me if told them you were a sap anyway. Please continue." I sniffle and he presses a sweet kiss to my nose.

"Dick," his chest rumbles with a low laugh. "I'm serious though, the level of trust I have with you should be apparent in the nasty shit we do. I was also extremely selfish before you, again it was all a means to an end. But making you scream my name was more than ego boost, it was...God. It was more than be trying to be the best, I wanted to make you feel the best. Even if that meant I'd leave with blue balls." I blush at the memories of some of the "nasty shit" we've done. "Anyway, you little perv. My soul is tied to yours. Everyone before you is a blur and I know there won't be anyone after you. So, whatcha say? Wanna give this a real shot?"

Tears are flowing freely at this point and I nod in his hold. "I think you might be worth the risk, Seresin." I grin cheekily before his lip crash down on mine.

I feel comfort for the first time in weeks from the gentle brush of his kiss. My arms snake up around his neck and I melt into his chest as his hands grip my waist and pull me closer. His touch alone is like aloe on a sun soaked, being wrapped up in him again immediately soothes the burn the distance I forced on us left behind. I push up on my tiptoes to deepen the kiss and l'm quickly pulled impossibly closer to him, his already hard cock against my hip. I gasp at the contact and Jake takes the opportunity to slip his tongue between my parted lips. My nails trace against his skin before they tangle into the cropped hair at the nape of his neck.

He breaks the kiss and drops his forehead to mine with a satisfied sigh. "Shit, honey. Didn't think I was ever gonna get to feel that again.,"

I grin slyly. "What? This?" | repeat the action, adding a little extra pressure as my nails drag across his scalp.

Jake groans and it vibrates through every cell in my body. Before I know it, he's gripping the backs of my thighs, wrapping my legs around his waist and carrying me down the steps of the deck and towards the soft sand. I giggle at his antics then drop my lips to his neck, peppering kisses up and down his tan skin. I nip at his jaw and relish in the feeling of him flexing it at my touch.

I'm about to ask where we're going when my back lands roughly against a wooden wall. I pull back to look at Jake and he's wearing a bright smile that surely matches mine when I realize where we are.

The lifeguard shack.

Where he pulled me to sneak a kiss and tell me how sexy he thought it was when I tackled my own brother in dog fight football. Where we've snuck off to when we couldn't stand to not have our hands on each other around our friends while at the Hard Deck. Where he found me on the day of what would have been my parents' 40th anniversary. Where I realized my feelings were deeper than I wanted to let on, because not even my brother had reached out to me that day. I reach up and trace my fingers along the side of his face, my focus locked on the emotion swimming behind his the gorgeous green of his eyes that is thinned to a slim ring around his lust blown pupils.

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