Love You Again*

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This started cute and flirty then took a SUPER spicy turn.  Possessive, dominant Jake is coming out to play and bringing inappropriate use of his belt with him, my friends 🤤
You've been warned lol

I know we made plans with the neons
But you're lookin' lights out, turnin' me on
That black dress got your boy seein' red
Slippin' off your shoulders
Pullin' me into bed
Make it last like it's the last time
Tonight I'm gonna love you like I'm never gonna
Love you again

Love You Again x Chase Matthew


Brooks and I were finally granted a much deserved and long overdue leave.  He and Mal went on a super romantic cruise as a late anniversary celebration, so Briar and I decided we should probably hang back for this one and let them have their cute coupley time.  One of the nurses the girls work with told them about this "fantastic club" that recently opened and B had begged me to take her.

"Pleaaseeee Jakey?  Mal won't go with me because she 'has no interest in dancing with men who aren't Brooks' and I don't wanna go with anyone else," she pleaded, pulling out her trademark pout.

"Aw c'mon, B.  You know I can't say no to the sad puppy face!"

She continued poking her lip out at me, even going as far as to making tears well up in her eyes.  If there's ever a time I say no to that face, just put me out of my misery then and there, because there's something deeply wrong with me.  As if I'd ever tell her no anyway, but she doesn't need the reminder. 

I fold like a cheap lawn chair and lean down to nip at her lip.  "We can go, but I have one condition."

"Anything!" Briar happily offers, bright smile taking over her face.

"Easy there, princess.  A lesser man would take advantage of that," I tease and she rolls her eyes.  "We go, but the only person you dance with is me. Deal?  I can't be held responsible for my actions if I have to see some other guy all over you."  The admission escapes quicker than I would have expected, but I don't take it back.  Briar smirks as she looks up at me. 

"Deal, that was the original plan anyway.  But now I'm tempted find out what those actions might be."

I realize I just poked the bear, but in the best way. 

"You're trouble, you know that right?" I ask and she nods like the little brat she is.  "Wanna go to a fancy, probably stupid expensive dinner first?"

Briar squeals as she jumps up and wraps her arms and legs around me, making me laugh at her antics. 

"Yes!!  What time you wanna go?"

"It's..." I look down at my watch to check the time. "5pm now.  Dinner at 8 then we go out after?"

"Sounds perfect. Thank you, flyboy!  I'm gonna go hop in the shower and start getting ready now!  Alone."  She teases, and after a quick kiss to my lips, she takes off towards the bathroom.  I honor her request for solitude, knowing damn well that woman has a get ready routine she's taken years to perfect and it doesn't include me distracting her.  I smile when I hear her phone connect to the speaker in the bathroom then grab my copy of Tom Clancy's Red Winter and settle into the couch for a while.


I take my time in the shower, pulling out all the stops because I'm so excited.  I've washed, exfoliated, and shaved every necessary inch of skin on my body and now I'm moving onto washing my hair.  Stepping out onto the plush bath mat once I'm squeaky clean, I wrap a fluffy towel around my body and twist my hair up in another.  I rub Jake's favorite peach & honey scented lotion all over, smiling at the thought of having his face tucked into my neck all night so he can smell it. I toss on Jake's threadbare, barely hanging in there baseball shirt from high school while I get ready. He left it when he and Brooks left for the Academy, and to this day he won't admit whether or not he left it on purpose. I'm halfway through putting my makeup on when there's a knock at the bathroom door. Knowing it's Jake, I holler over my music for him to come in.

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