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TW: definitely NSFW, minor kinks approaching at high speeds my friends 😉


Summary: you wear Jake's hat and face the consequences

Wrap your legs around me
Like this
Won't you surround me
Batter up
You're so astounding
When you back it up and take it proudly
This must be a dream
You know what I mean
Body like an angel
Glad you're on my team
Enjoy the simulation
Take some Dramamine
Don't want you gettin' dizzy
When you ride on top of me

Proud x SoMo


It all started when I dropped Jake's big ass cowboy hat on my head as a joke.

"Oh no.  Beck, do you have any idea what you've just done?!" Phoenix asks with terror in her eyes.

"What?!  Is there a spider in there or something?  What's wrong??" I ask in a panic.

"Get that off your head before he sees you!" She all but hisses at me.  Never one to back down from a challenge, especially when it comes to Jake Seresin, the hat stays firmly planted atop my dark hair while I shoot her a questioning look.  "Fuck, it's too late now, he's seen you.  Don't say I didn't try to warn you."

"What do we have here, short stack?  That hat looks mighty fine on you," Jake says with a smirk, his Texan coming through loud and clear. 

"Why is everyone making such a big deal about your hat on my head?  Do you have lice or some shit?" I ask, annoyed with the fuss it's caused. 

"Oh sweetheart, do you not know the rule when it comes to wearing a cowboy's hat?" Jake smirks widely at me. 

"Obviously fucking not, Hangnail!  Will you explain it?  For fuck's sake!" I huff out, clearly exasperated.

"Well, angel.  The rule says if you wear a cowboy's hat, you gotta ride the cowboy.  I know you're a rule breaker, but I think following that rule would be way more fun in this instance."

My jaw goes slack at the clear insinuation he sent my way.  I look up at Jake to find a smile built for sin, dimples on full display.   Well I'm fucked, figuratively and literally it would appear. 

"I figured a Kentucky girl like you would be well aware of the rule.  Listen, darlin'.  I'll let it slide this time since you didn't know, but you won't get a pass next time.  Understand?" Jake asks me, trying to hide the disappointment.  I nod wordlessly, and he takes his hat back from me and moves back over to the pool table with the boys.  We spend the next few hours shooting the shit and playing pool and darts with everyone.  As per usual, Jake is my ride home since he can handle his liquor better than I can.  He helps me climb into the passenger seat of his truck, then hops up into his own. 

"Alright, is it a McDonald's night or do you just wanna head home?" Jake asks.  He turns to look at me and finds that his hat has moved from the dash of his truck and back into my head.

"I lied earlier, of course I know the hat rule, in from Kentucky not Alaska you dumbass. I'm surprised you believed me," I smirk, eyes full of mischief.  He doesn't reply, just tightens his grip on the steering wheel as the truck picks up speed.   He doesn't speak a word the rest of the way back and it kinda scares the shit out of me.  He hops out of the truck and slams his door before hurriedly making his way to me.  The door is ripped open and I'm yanked out of my seat. 

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