My Kinda Morning x Chase Wright

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Pairing: Jake x Briar (Down Home Runs Deep Universe)

For the first time in my life, I'm hating the thought of deployment.  I'm actually dreading it, and I'm almost tempted to go to the doctor.  If I hadn't been cleared earlier in the day for the mission, I probably would.   Because I used to feel the complete opposite, I actually looked forward to getting shipped out and hated being back on solid ground again.  Being landlocked used to leave me unsettled, nothing was able to match how it felt to be in the open air above the ocean.

Then we almost lost Mav and Rooster.  Then I realized how fleeting life was.  Then Brooks proposed to Mal.  Then I finally made Briar mine for good.  Now, I kinda wanna vomit at the thought of being away from her for a while.  She's finally moved in with me, we've settled into a routine, and I've grown used to her face being the first thing I see when I open my eyes every morning.  I was wrong about flying over the ocean before, nothing beats waking up to the girl of your literal dreams snoring on your chest. 

It's been 10 days and I'm already a mess.  We're on the trek home, a successful scouting op having gone flawlessly, and I'd be lying if I said I didn't have to physically restrain myself from climbing into my F18 and beating the boat home by a long shot.  But, I'd probably have marshals waiting for me on the tarmac at home and that would keep me away from B even longer.  So I shut that thought down fairly quickly.  Pouting until we dock is currently the lesser of two evils, so I guess I'll suck it up for another few hours. 

Being in our bunk room makes me antsy now that I'm no longer in mission mode, so I head out to the deck to sit on the wing of my plane for a little while.  Everybody is inside, hanging in the rec room or the cafeteria, so I'll get a brief moment of peace before they start preparing the ship to port.  The sun is high in the sky, the warm rays offsetting the cool breeze coming off of the water as I lean back against the cockpit and close my eyes for a second.  The salty air fills my lungs and my thoughts drift back to the night before I shipped out.

It was sunset, boxed red, sneakin' to the rooftop, last nights cherry lip gloss that I kissed off

Briar's giggles filled the stairwell of the building that houses the offices of the Dagger Squadron. 

"Honey, shhh.  You're gonna get us caught!" I hushed her, unable to hold back a smile. 

There was no way we'd get caught, and if we did, we wouldn't really be in trouble.  But Briar didn't know that, and she was living out her childhood dream of being a secret agent.  At least that's what a couple glasses deep of red wine Briar had said when we started the climb a few flights of stairs back.  I'd been stuck at the office later than I'd planned, prepping for the op as team leader, when she appeared at my door with a to-go bag from our favorite drive thru in one hand and wine in the other. 

"Figured you hadn't eaten since lunch and your perfectionist ass would still be here if I didn't come save you," Briar sent me a smug smile, knowing she had me completely figured out.

I grimaced when a glance at the clock showed it was after 2200.  I ran my hand down my face as I finally leaned back in my chair.  "Fuck, princess. I didn't realize how late it was, I'm so sorry."

She had crossed the room quickly and quietly and was standing in front of me by the time I opened my eyes.  "Don't worry, flyboy.  I know it wasn't intentional and that you'd have rather been at home with me.  Now, let's eat before these burgers get cold."

After we had eaten and drank some of the cheap red she brought with her, I had an idea. 

"Wanna sneak up to the roof and look at the stars with me?"

2 a.m. came and went. Held your hand as it slid into mine and I swear there was somethin' in the air

Briar scrambled out of her chair so quickly that she almost toppled over, then she darted out to her car to grab the blanket she keeps in the trunk as I cleaned up the trash of our dinner.  We finally made it to the roof, and B stumbled through the door as soon as it opened.  I quickly caught her and caged her the waist as I kicked the door stopper into place.  Once the door was secure, I turned and caged her head between my hands against the brick. The way she looked up at me like I just lassoed the moon for her melted me on the spot and I didn't fight the urge to crash my lips to hers. Tongues tangled, lips locked together, a hand laced in her hair, I was brought back to earth when she let out a squeak as my chest threatened to crush her against the wall. 

I backed up with a dopey grin on my face as I looked down at her. "Sorry, honey.  Got a little carried away. I promised you some stars, didn't I?"

We laid under the stars for hours, talking about any and everything, just like we always have.  Eventually, Briar started to nod off and I decided that was our cue to head home. Port call creeping closer by the minute, and I didn't wanna waste a single one with her.

In between you and me in a blur, night with you turned into my kinda morning

B seemed to catch her second wind on the drive home, she was suddenly wide awake and damn near climbed into my lap during the short trip.  I didn't have to ask, I knew it was dawning on her that this might be the last time we see each other.  We'd had the conversation before, but it was real now that we started and ended every day together. 

We went through our nightly routine of stripping out of the day's clothes and showering together, washing the jet fuel and hospital smell down the drain.  We tumbled into bed together with fingers and lips lingering on the other's skin a little longer than normal, touches conveying what words couldn't.  I woke up a little bit before my alarm and spent a few minutes of solitude running my eyes and hands over every inch that makes up Briar Langley.  One more brush of my thumb across her collarbone had her stirring, sleepy eyes blinking up at me once she was fully awake.  We laid in the peaceful glow of the morning sun until my alarm went off and reluctantly pulled apart. 

Briar dropped me off at the docks, giving Brooks and I each tight hugs.  "Couldn't imagine a better way to spend the night before deployment.  I'll be home soon, I love you, princess."  I left one more kiss on her lips before dragging my feet onto the ship along with a sulking Brooks.

"Figured I'd find you out here, daydreaming about my sister."  I'm pulled out of my reverie when Brooks smacks at the side of my boot.  "Come on, we're about to start dock prep and then you're free to follow Rory around like the lovesick puppy you are."

The remaining hours fly by and we're dropping anchor before I know it.  Despite her small frame, it's impossible for me to miss Briar in the crowd.  She's a beacon of light, safely drawing me to shore, and my eyes land on her immediately.  She spots me at the same time and my feet are carrying me to her at damn near Mach speed. Her giggles as I pick her up and wrap my arms around her fill every crack in my soul.

"Damn, flyboy!  You miss me or somethin'?" She asks as I bury my face between her neck and shoulder. 

"Or somethin'," my reply is muffled against her skin.

Her hands stay wrapped around my neck as I settle her back on her feet, her nails gently scratching the nape of my neck in the way she knows turns me into a golden retriever. 

Briar stretches up on her tiptoes, simultaneously pulling at me until her lips are level with my ear. "I might have missed you a little bit, too.  I'm happy you're home safe, my handsome man.  Take me home so I can show you just how happy I am."

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