wait in the truck

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Summary: Jake and Beck have been working an undercover op and she's missed multiple check ins leaving Jake in a panic

Well, she was bruised and broke from head to toe
With a tear in her blood-stained shirt
She didn't tell the whole truth, but she didn't have to
I knew what had happened to her
I didn't load her down with questions
That girl had been through enough
I just threw it in drive, looked in those eyes
And asked her where he was

wait in the truck x Hardy feat. Lainey Wilson


Beckham has been radio silent for the last 4 hours and I'm freaking the fuck out.  We've been posing as an up and coming couple in the underground trying to build a shady business to help shut down a human trafficking ring a couple hours upstate in Santa Ana.  She was supposed to be meeting "friends" for lunch, but that was hours ago and she's not at the restaurant or answering her phone.  Mav and the rest of the team have been looped in and are about 10 minutes away, ready to launch a rescue op if needed. Once they arrive, we split up to canvas the area and start the search for her.


I've always considered myself tough. Mentally, physically, emotionally. I mean I've been through some shit. But I think this takes the cake.

Somehow, our covers were blown and Jake and I were outed as government operatives. Which is how I ended up where I am right now; stripped down to my bra and undies, getting the shit beat out of me.

"You know, it's totally cliche the way you me quite literally chained up, hanging from the ceiling." Even though my toes are barely making contact with the floor, I'm bleeding from multiple places, and my arms are numb, I can't keep myself from popping off at the mouth.

"You sure are mouthy for such a little thing, especially one at my mercy," my abductor smirks. "Lucky for me, I have quite the clientele that enjoys beating their women into submission. You'll go for top dollar."

Bile rises in my throat at the thought and I fight it back, refusing to let him get to me.

"You know, my best friend always said that I could never stay kidnapped for long because my captors would give me right back with how much I talk. Wonder how true that statement is," I chuckle, earning a harsh slap across my face.

"Ooh baby, I like it rough," I taunt.

"I swear to God," the man mumbles in frustration.

"I just want you to think about one thing; since you know who I am, you know who my team is. That means you know the lengths they'll go to in order to protect a random person walking down the street. Just imagine what they'd do for me," I let a menacing grin cross my face. "I'll let that marinate for a little bit. You can come back when you've found your sense of self preservation and let me go!"

The man storms off as I predicted, and I work on slipping from my restraints. Just as I'm about to free my wrists, a Dewayne Johnson wannabe prowls into the room.

"Oh goodie! It looks like I've pissed them off enough for the big one to be sent in. How ya doin buddy? Eat any children for breakfast?" I snark.

The best part about sending in the brawn of the operation means they didn't send the brains. Which means the meathead stalking towards me didn't think about securing his weapon or the door, confident in the fact that he could easily overpower me and prevent my escape.

Damn do I love being underestimated.

As predicted, the walking meatball makes his way to me, ready to inflict some pain. Once he's close enough, I pull up on the chains in my hands and wrap my legs around his neck, effectively putting him in a sleeper hold. As soon as he's passed out, I let him drop by my feet and use the extra few inches to push up and fully free my hands. I grab his weapon and keys and dart out of the door. I hear shouting as I run out of the building and am momentarily blinded by the late afternoon sun, but quickly regain my bearings and take off in a sprint away from the goons that nabbed me.


I'm driving towards one of the abandoned lots we know business has gone down in when there's a streak of tan skin and dark hair that catches my eye.


I slam on the brakes and hop out of the truck with my hands up so Beckham doesn't kick my ass or shoot me.

"Beck, it's me! You're safe now," I attempt to soothe her. She quickly realizes it's me and throws herself into my arms. That's when I notice she's bleeding, barefoot, and hardly clothed. I yank my shirt off and pull it over top of her, then let the team know where we are and that I have Beckham. They're on their way instantly, and should be here within minutes.

"Beck, sweetheart, are you ok?" I ask as my eyes trace over her for any signs of serious damage.

"I'm ok, might have broken a rib or five, but everything else is pretty much superficial. Hurts like a motherfucker though," she winces.

"Get in the truck," I command and she does as I ask. "Where is he?"

"It's Stone, he's probably running around like a beheaded chicken since I slipped my restraints and took down his ogre with no problems. I'd be willing to bet I made him big mad," she smirks then winces in pain.

"Stay here, send the boys in when they get here," I tell her as I tuck weapons and ammo into my pockets and belt.

"It should just be Stone and Shrek. I didn't see or hear anyone else but I could be wrong, so please be careful," she warns. I kiss her head once she's tucked safely into the passenger seat of my truck, then head into the building ready to bring the fucking hammer down. She was right, it was just Stone and his henchman. Lurch was still passed out on the ground and I recognized the telltale sign of Beckham's Black Widow style chokehold. I zip tie his wrists to a support beam, confident that he won't be going anywhere until the rest of the boys get here. I don't have to search for long before I find Stone, and the smug look on his face has me immediately aware he was the only one that inflicted the pain and damage done to Beckham. He pulls a gun and moves to aim it at me.

"Please do it, give me a reason to drop your garbage ass right here, right now," I smirk. I hear movement outside and know it's my backup. "It's your choice, surrender or suffer."

His hand twitches and I don't give him a chance to do anything more before a shot rings out, bullet imbedding itself in to his upper thigh, making him drop to the floor in pain. I walk over and kick the gun from his reach as boots hustle up behind me.

"You good, Seresin?" Rooster asks me, eyeing the gun in the corner and the man bleeding in the floor. I nod in reply, eyes still glued to Stone whimpering in the floor. "Ah, I see he got to experience the other reason you made Top Gun. The most painful flesh wound that won't immediately kill you. Nice work, Hangman,"

"Thanks, Bradshaw," I grin. "Now if you've got him until PD shows up, I'm gonna go check on our best girl." Rooster shakes his head in affirmation and I'm back to the truck in no time. I climb into the truck, pull her onto my lap, and hold her close as we wait for EMS to arrive.

"Never again, short stack. I can't let you get hurt like that again," I whisper into her hair.

"Good thing I knew you'd find me before anything bad happened. Thanks for coming to my rescue, cowboy. And for teaching me how to slip those cuffs. Worked like a charm," she says with a smile into my chest. We stay like that, huddled together, until medics arrive on scene to check her out.

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